Week of January 30, 2023

Cantare Practice Notes for

Concert at Bon Air Presbyterian Church

February 12

The following is a list of music we aim to sing for our next concert.  The asterisked pieces are those that need the most work – especially Ibo Landing.  Please make a point on working on them every day. For the other pieces, please review them once or twice per week.  Please work to be familiar enough with all this music that you do not need to rely heavily on your score. 

Circle Chant – keep securing memory work – First sopranos need to be more secure on part I. This will be sung from memory.

O Lord, Most Merciful – Pro Arte should work to have this *memorized

Be Still – Continue to practice note accuracy on individual parts and continue to secure memory work.

*Caritas et Amor – Work hard to accurately learn your individual part on pp. 6-end

*Dona nobis pacem – continue learning your individual part on solfege (Ab is ‘Do’) then text. Also, practice with this recording (different that the recommended recording because it more accurately matches the score we are using)

*Ukraine Anthem – Continue to learn melody (top line) only on solfege.  Practice pronunciation with this video as a guide:

O Beautiful for Spacious Skies – work on/review singing your own part. 

*Elijah Rock – Pro Arte should work most on pp. 4 (bottom) – 8.  Altos should especially remember how the part is different at the bottom of page 4.  Practice with this recording.

Joshua – Cavalieri – Practice with this recording.

**Ibo Landing – Practice especially pp. 9-end.  Work the hardest on mm. 121-135 for rhythmic accuracy. Use the markings that were sent via email on February 1.  Be sure to transfer those markings to your own score. They indicate exactly where the beats fall in relation to the rhythm. Please refer to these marked rhythms as you practice Ibo Landing

More Love – Memorize. Tenors need to learn their part more accurately.  Everyone should review the “road map” and dynamics.

Siyahamba – Review/Learn your part. Memorize in all languages.




November 23, 2022

Practice Notes for Upcoming Performances. And some thoughts about practicing can be found here.

Cantare at U of R Basketball game (December 10):

Please secure and memorize your part for the National Anthem. Complete memory is expected by December 5. This arrangement is somewhat challenging. Study it every day.

All choirs for Caroling in the Park (December 11):

In booklet with “White Christmas” on the front:

Rudolph – This should be fully memorized by the week of December 5th

In thick caroling booklet:

The First Nowell and O Little Town of Bethlehem – Cantare should study parts on these carols. Treble and Concert choirs will sing the melody in unison. All Pro Arte sopranos (I and II) should learn the descant for the refrain - the Treble and Concert choirs can carry the melody.

We Wish You a Joyful Holiday – This should be fully memorized by December 5th. Please secure your assigned parts.

Joy to the World – everyone in unison.

March 28, 2022

Practice Notes for Pro Arte/Cavalieri Westminster Canterbury Concert

May 1, 2022, 4:00 PM
Refer to Feb. 14th post for recordings

Tolepe Menenak – Review exact notes and rhythms.  Memorize breathing instructions. Be sure to correctly align words and syllables with pitches, particularly on the “Aneer Nenowa” verse.  Cavalieri, work on open supported sound on verse 2. Try practicing on an open ‘Hoh’ sound.  Keep the same open shape when singing with the text.  Everyone needs to have this completely memorized.

Algonquin Prayer – To sing this as well as possible, everyone needs to have this completely memorized.  FYI, the composer just might be present.  Cavalieri, please work on the same supported openness we ask for on Tolepe.  On last page, check pitches on part divisions.  

For the Beauty of the Earth – Have this piece fully memorized.  Memorize where breath markings occur.  Memorize dynamic markings. Cavalieri – same instruction as above on the sections you sing.

Song of Creation – Keep working on the rhythmic aspect of this.  Strong diction/consonants will help this. Everyone should have the text fully memorized.  No tripping over any of the many words! 😊

Birdsong (Pro Arte) – work on getting this memorized.  You may be surprised by how much is already in your memory.  Try singing it along with the recording from Lexington.  Review held note values at the end of each phrase.

In Time of Silver Rain (Cavalieri) – Please memorize. Mind your breath control - think ahead and get good low breaths before each phrase, very open tall vowels especially on higher notes, let them float, keep the air moving steadily. We would like to keep hearing beautiful legato phrasing and following of the indicated dynamic markings as well as possible with a small ensemble.  Crescendo and Decrescendos are especially important to phrasing.

Call It God – Review texts, notes and rhythms on verses especially.  I’m confident we can get this memorized as well.  The challenge will be keeping track of which verse follows each refrain.

The Peace of Wild Things (Pro Arte) – Each singer knows best where they need to work most within this piece.  Being able to sing your part on your own with the other parts without faltering is the goal.  Continuing solfege work can help with this. Be ready for tempo changes throughout the piece. Dynamics.  Try singing from memory with one of the recordings.

Where the Light Begins – Same general instructions as The Peace of Wild Things.

This Land is Your Land – Study and memorize how your part moves around in the score.  Continue securing your notes.  Try singing this from memory with the Lexington recording.  Study the places that are the weakest in your memory.

Lexington Concert video here.

Treble/Concert practice notes

Two Native American Songs – Keep working on flute-like tone quality by practicing with the tall ‘oo’ vowel sound. Concert Choir – Keep practicing your own parts on p. 6.

Tolepe Menenak – Everyone needs to keep studying breath markings on the refrain. Breathe at the end of each musical line only. As far as pronunciation, all of the ‘e’ vowels are pronounced ‘eh’. Concert choir – study melody on verses, especially the second line of the “Aneer” verse. Altos be sure to study your part on verses 3 and 4, as well as parts on the refrains that follow 3 & 4.

Song of Creation – Keep drilling text memory. Keep making this as rhythmic as possible through the use of strong and clear consonants.

Wind on the Hill – Keep working on your rhythm as mm. 23 and 43. Be ready for the ritardando (slowing down) at mm. 24, 35 and at the end. Be sure to shorten the tied quarter note in m. 30 to an eighth note to make space for a breath. Study dynamics (mf, mp, f, etc.). Feel the movement of the music.

For the Beauty of the Earth – Keep working on text memory. As Mr. Pete says, be sure you know how each stanza begins that will help you remember the remainder of each stanza. Make sure breath markings are memorized as well so we can sing beautiful phrases.

Heaven – This is in good shape! Keep practicing it so it stays that way.

Siyahamba – Keep reviewing your own part and the languages. Parts 2 and 3 need to study the rhythm and text alignment at mm. 5 and 6. All three parts need to study rhythms on the second line of music, paying attention to rests (2&3) and ties (1). A lot of repetition of the text will help you commit it to memory.

This Land I Your Land – everyone sings the melody. Study where the melody moves throughout the piece. You will see the abbreviation ‘mel.’ wherever it occurs in the music. – eg. m. 26, bottom part. Everyone drops out at m. 71 and enters again at m. 106 to the end. Work on memorizing.

Rhythm Reader and 333 Elementary Exercises – take time to review some of the exercises and concepts from the beginning of the books.

Lexington practice note updates March 10, 2022

Practice Notes for Cantare and Concert Choir for Lexington trip:

Two Native American Songs (All) – Please be sure to review what sections of the piece you sing and which voice part.  Be sure you have secured your own part and have the music memorized.

Tolepe Menenak (All) – Be sure to completely memorize.  Study where NOT to breath.  Study and secure exact notation, especially on the verses.

Algonquin Prayer (Cantare only) – MEMORIZE!!  Secure the last three pages of the piece, especially moving to the final page.

A Song of Creation (All) – Have text fully memorized

Birdsong (Pro Arte) – Study dynamics.  Review parts.

Call It God (All) – Concert Choir joins on refrain – single photocopied sheet.  Cantare, please study parts on verses, especially pp. 3-6.  Everyone should have the refrain memorized so we do not need to turn back and forth in the score.

The Peace of Wild Things (Pro Arte) – Keep studying your part.  Pp. 5 & 6 are the weakest.

***Priority*** This Land is Your Land (All) – This is newer to everyone.  Be sure to review parts on solfege and text.  Bottom space ‘f’ is ‘Do’.



Week of February 14, 2022

Concert and Treble Singers continue using the notes from last week below. All singers please listen to these Siyahamba instructions. In addition, CONCERT SINGERS please use these updated instructions for Tolepe Menanak.

Also note we will not sing No Laugh Race for the library concert.

Pro Arte and Cavalieri some recordings for you to listen to:

Cantare Where the Light Begins

Pro Arte Peace of Wild Things, Birdsong

Cavalieri In the Time of Silver Rain (This is a Soprano/Alto version but still gives you the idea.)

Music for the March 19th concert in Lexington:

Two Native American Songs

Tolepe Menenak

Algonquin Prayer

For the Beauty of the Earth

Song of Creation


In Time of Silver Rain

Call It God

The Peace of Wild Things

Where the Light Begins

This Land is Your Land

Week of February 7, 2022

CONCERT and TREBLE singers, in preparation for the library concert:

(note to Exie- some of your part assignments have changed. Please make a note of it.)

Two Native American Songs

Ancient Mother – Everyone will sing the melody that begins at the “solo” section on page 3.  Please review and memorize. We will go straight from this section into the next song, omitting the bottom of page 3 through page 4.

The Earth is Our Mother – The Concert Choir sings the first unison section.  The Treble Choir enters at the two-part section with part 1 – melody beginning on note G.  Concert choir stays on part 2.  On page 6, Treble choir continues with part 1.  Concert Choir divides into 2 groups as assigned in rehearsal:   Pt. 3 – Cooper, Emelia, Phoebe, Exie; Pt. 2 – Abigail, Emily, Lydia.  Memorize entire piece.

Siyahamba  - Pt. 3 – Cooper, Emelia, Phoebe, Exie; Pt. 2 – Abigail, Emily, Lydia  Pt. 1 – Sarah, Karis, Brooklyn, Saanvi, Epiphany, Eliana, NiiArmah.  Practice and memorize all four languages.

Wind on the Hill – Memorize.  Work on rhythm at mm. 23 and 43.

Song of Creation – work on memorization, work on rhythmic quality of music - clapping on off-beat, as an exercise.

For the Beauty of the Earth – work on phrasing/breath markings. Study dynamic markings.  Memorize.

Tolepe Menenak – Everyone learns refrain.  Concert choir learns verses, singing part 1 only.  Treble choir will remain on melody for page 2 and 3 refrains.  Concert choir will divide into 2 parts for the accompanying repetitive “Tolepes”: Bottom note – Cooper, Emelia, Phoebe, Exie; Top note – Abigail, Emily, Lydia.  Memorize entire piece.

Heaven – Memorize.

America the Beautiful – review text for each stanza.  This will be a sing-along with the audience.

No Laugh Race – review and memorize.

While this seems like a lot of memorization work, please realize that many of these pieces are already mostly memorized. Please email if you have questions.

Week of January 24, 2022

*Asterisked pieces should be picked up Thursday as well as any other pieces you are missing


Music for the March 19th concert in Lexington:

Two Native American Songs

Tolepe Menenak

Algonquin Prayer

For the Beauty of the Earth – maybe

Song of Creation

America the Beautiful – maybe

Birdsong (Pro Arte only)

The Peace of Wild Things (Pro Arte only)

*In Time of Silver Rain (Cavalieri only)

*Where the Light Begins

*This Land is Your Land

Commissioned piece – we do not have this yet

Other music in folders:


Circle Chant

Here Comes the Sun

Simple Gifts (Cavalieri only)



The repertoire listed on this page will be sung at the library.

Repertoire to continue working on:

Two Native American Songs


Wind on the Hill

Song of Creation

For the Beauty of the Earth

Tolepe Menenak


America the Beautiful (Sheet music says National Songs at top)

New repertoire:

*No Laugh Race

*This Land is Your Land

*America the Beautiful and Tolepe Menenak – you may or may not have these in your folder already and should pick them up if needed