Stratton McCrady Photography

Join us for the ‘25-’26 season!


Enroll now! Children who love to sing and want to learn with a diverse and dedicated group of musicians are welcome. Enroll here or call 804-201-1894 now for more info! Join us! For more information about the individual choirs, click here.

GRCC Choirs- Those ages 8 and up interested in joining the entry level Treble Choir do not have to audition, but parents and choristers are encouraged to attend one of the open rehearsals held throughout the year.

Voice check opportunities are held several times a year by appointment. Call 804-201-1894. Singers interested in auditioning for the intermediate and advanced GRCC choirs should prepare a simple song of their choice, accompanied or unaccompanied. (Accompanist will be provided at the audition if needed.) Assessment of music skills, voice range and level of desired commitment will determine choir placement.

For more details about all of the above offerings go here.

Tuition is $495 for entire season and includes 2025 camp at no extra charge. Need based financial aid is available. (Treble Choir choristers may attend camp as a way to sample the GRCC experience. Under this plan, camp is $175 and if the chorister then commits to the full season $100 of the fee they paid for camp is applied as a credit against the $495 tuition, meaning they would pay a balance $395 for the season.) 

To register and/or schedule a voice check, email or call Executive Director Anne Williford at 804-201-1894. For more details about all these offerings go here.

Don't be nervous! There is a choir for you!

Camp News 2025!

GRCC will meet in person for camp July 28-August 1, 2025, 9 am to noon (Concert and Treble members) and until 1:30 pm for Pro Arte and Cavalieri members at Westover Hills United Methodist Church, 1705 Westover Hills Blvd. There will be a beginner and an advanced track. Ages 8-18. No experience required. Need based scholarships are available.

What’s the Camp day like? Each day will begin with all the singers meeting together making introductions, talking about plans for the day/week, and doing warm up exercises. Then the students will break into smaller groups and move through sessions on vocal skills, theory, sight singing, and repertoire. During those sessions the directors teach proper technique, breathing, posture, voice control, listening, etc. There are breaks and games as well and we plan for a guest musician to visit too. And on Friday we will have a presentation for the parents to share what the students have learned during the week.

The song for camp this year was fun to sing, and I liked how the different parts came together in the end.
— Member comments following camp

Call 804-201-1894 for more details and enroll here!
