Week of November 22, 2021

Practice Notes for all GRCC choirs:

We have two holiday events coming up very soon that will require regular practice at home. A few of you will not have all the music, because we didn’t know you wouldn’t be at rehearsal earlier in Thanksgiving week. The Treble/Concert choirs will have more of the music than Cantare. If you have a younger sibling in the choir, check to see if they have any of the music you are missing. Also, many of the songs we are working on can be found on the Internet. Work to memorize all music. You may already have some of the pieces memorized.

For December 12 Caroling in the Park, please study the following:

In the “Carolng in the Park” booklet:

The First Nowell (we are singing stanzas 1&2 not 1&6) – Treble/Concert study melody. Practice reading the text in rhythm then singing it. Cantare – learn your own voice part. Cavalieri - Chris and Mikhail are on tenor, Simon and Chad are on bass. Pro Arte – you already know who sings alto and who sings soprano.

O little town of Bethlehem (we are singing stanzas 1&3 not 1&5) – same practice assignment as The First Nowell.

In the booklet with “White Christmas” on the front:

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Pro Arte will sing the first page. Everyone joins at second page. We are using the repeat. Be sure to study the slower quarter note rhythm of the second ending.

For the Fan Christmas Event on December 10:

We will sing the music for December 12 plus the following:

In the booklet with “My Dreydl” on the front:

My Dreydl and S’Vivon – Treble/Concert and Pro Arte sopranos on part one. Pro Arte altos and Cavalieri on part 2. Cavalieri sings one octave down.

Winter Wonderland – stanza 1 only. Carefully study the rhythm like the one that occurs on “new bird”, “snowman”, etc. Do not rush the quarter note.

Deck the Halls (all stanzas), Jingle Bells (stanzas 1&2), Silent Night (all stanzas) – Use the same practice directions as The First Nowell.

Enjoy learning!

Week of November 8, 2021

Cantare (Pro Arte and Cavalieri)

Please carefully practice the repertoire for our next performance (Nov. 21):

Tolepe Menenak – Practice to feel secure on your own part. Cavalieri basses – work on singing in the correct octave. Practice breathing at the end of each musical line and after fermatas. Memorize text by November 1.

Algonquin Prayer – Study your part and memorize text on page 8. Pages 6&7 – be certain you understand the performance directions given at the beginning of p. 6 and can sing your own part securely. Sopranos, the third time through omit the final “yo” on p. 6. Cavalieri – be certain to practice your independent part on page 7. Memorize text on these two pages as well. Pages 1-5 – review your part on Solfege syllables and practice reading Algonquin text once per day in rhythm. Memorize the English translation from the bottom of p. 3 through p. 5. UPDATE: listen to recording here!

Song of Creation – memorize text. Work on “tall” production of vowel sounds. Work on modifying R sounds. Feel the energy of the off-beats.

For the Beauty of the Earth – secure memory. Work on “tall” production of vowel sounds. Work on modifying R sounds. Work on rhythmic breathing, always preparing the breath in the shape of the next vowel to be sung. Memorize where breaths occur and where they do not happen. Memorize/practice dynamic changes. On larger intervals leaps, be sure to practice getting from note to note accurately without sliding.

Simply Gifts (Cavalieri) – memorize.

Service Music – Learn melodies on solfege. Sing through texts. Learn parts on “For the Fruit of All Creation”. Sopranos learn descant on first hymn.

Week of November 1, 2021

Pro Arte and Cavlieri please carefully practice the repertoire for our next performance:

Tolepe Menenak – Practice to feel secure on your own part. Cavalieri basses – work on singing in the correct octave. Practice breathing at the end of each musical line and after fermatas. Memorize text by November 1.

Algonquin Prayer – Study your part and memorize text on page 8. Pages 6&7 – be certain you understand the performance directions given at the beginning of p. 6 and can sing your own part securely. Sopranos, the third time through omit the final “yo” on p. 6. Cavalieri – be certain to practice your independent part on page 7. Memorize text on these two pages as well. Pages 1-5 – review your part on Solfege syllables and practice reading Algonquin text once per day in rhythm. Memorize the English translation from the bottom of p. 3 through p. 5.

Song of Creation – memorize text. Work on “tall” production of vowel sounds. Work on modifying R sounds. Feel the energy of the off-beats.

For the Beauty of the Earth – secure memory. Work on “tall” production of vowel sounds. Work on modifying R sounds. Work on rhythmic breathing, always preparing the breath in the shape of the next vowel to be sung. Memorize where breaths occur and where they do not happen. Memorize/practice dynamic changes. On larger intervals leaps, be sure to practice getting from note to note accurately without sliding.

Simply Gifts (Cavalieri) – memorize.

Service Music – Learn melodies on solfege. Sing through texts. Learn parts on “For the Fruit of All Creation”. Sopranos learn descant on first hymn.

Week of October 25, 2021

Please carefully practice the repertoire for our next performance (Pro Arte and Cavalieri):

Tolepe Menenak – Practice to feel secure on your own part. Cavalieri basses – work on singing in the correct octave. Practice breathing at the end of each musical line and after fermatas. Memorize text by November 1.

Algonquin Prayer – Study your part and memorize text on page 8. Pages 6&7 – be certain you understand the performance directions given at the beginning of p. 6 and can sing your own part securely. Sopranos, the third time through omit the final “yo” on p. 6. Cavalieri – be certain to practice your independent part on page 7. Memorize text on these two pages as well. Pages 1-5 – practice reading Algonquin text once per day in rhythm. Memorize the English translation from the bottom of p. 3 through p. 5.

Song of Creation – memorize text. Work on “tall” production of vowel sounds. Work on modifying R sounds.

For the Beauty of the Earth – secure memory. Work on “tall” production of vowel sounds. Work on modifying R sounds. Work on rhythmic breathing, always preparing the breath in the shape of the next vowel to be sung. Memorize where breaths occur and where they do not happen. Memorize/practice dynamic changes. On larger intervals leaps, be sure to practice getting from note to note accurately without sliding – some of this came back at the 10/25 rehearsal.

Simply Gifts (Cavalieri) – memorize.

Service Music – Learn melodies on solfege. Learn parts on “For the Fruit of All Creation”

Fall 2020

Pieces that should be memorized for the Nov. 29th recording: Candles, Candles, We Wish You a Joyful Holiday, Christmas Bells, O Tannenbaum. We will use the song sheets for the singalongs but you should still practice them.

German pronunciation for O Tannenbaum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84MX3k8yQIc&feature=youtu.be

Practice recordings for Candles, Candles

Part 1

Part 2

Fitting the singer’s mask, instructions here.

Week of March 9, 2020

Pro Arte:

Samba Mass (The text and translation accompanies these practice notes. Please study the translation with your score, to fully understand the Latin text. Ignore the Credo, obviously, since it’s not included in Samba Mass.) S1 – Molly, Marquita, Grace, Renna and Othniel; S2 – Matilde, Lilly, Mehr and Mikhail

S3 – Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Lauren and Chadwick. http://www.kitbraz.com/tchr/hist/med/mass_ordinary_text.html

The following movements should be fully memorized at this point:

Kyrie – soprano 1 singers need to review mm. 30 to the end, particularly mm. 40 – 47.

Sanctus and Benedictus – review. Spend the most time on the Benedictus. Soprano 1 singers work especially hard on mm. 22 – end.

Carefully work on the following:

Gloria – review entire movement. Soprano 1 especially needs to be more confident - work on good vocal technique (breath support, tall and open vowels). Memorize.

Agnus Dei – review entire movement. Spend the most time on m. 47 – end,

especially Soprano 1. Memorize.

Joyfully Sing with Pleasure - Review notes and notes and rhythms for the entire piece. Practice lifting between repeated notes, on dotted rhythms and over bar lines. Mikhail, Chadwick and Mr. Pete will sing the bass line. Memorize

Mexican Lullaby – Review entire piece, particularly pp. 4&5 and pp. 8-10. Lilly joins part 1 on the three-part section. Be able to sing from memory. Grace, please finish learning the solo part on pp. 9&10.

Tutu Maramba – Memorize. Work especially hard on pitches for the chords on the last page. Lilly should move to Soprano II at the bottom of page 5.