Week of March 11, 2019

Links for the Ralph Vaughn Williams Folk Songs for Concert and Pro Arte:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz-cdCcWphw

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9Li3jTfvkw

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Music for the March 24th concert:

At the River – Sing top part from the beginning through p. 4, second line (system).  Last measure of p. 4, move to bottom part.  Second system, move back up to top line until the end of the piece.  Memorize.

Wade in the River Jordan.  Accurately learn your part and begin memorizing. Concert Choir does not sing the first page.  At measure 8, learn bottom line.  Page 3, you do not sing until the last two measures.  There you sing the top part through the top of page 5.  Mm. 56 – 70 sing top part.  You don’t sing mm. 73-81.  Mm. 82 end, sing top part.  Memorize. Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj-JFcVSCVs

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons: 

Even though we will use the music for these, please work on memorizing.   Faces need to be up and out of the music.  Drill texts in rhythm.

Spring section: Early in Spring – Concert Choir sings Soprano I part through the top of page 8.  Second system of p. 8, sing soprano II part.  Page 9 – don’t sing until last note pickup to page 10 where you sing Soprano I part through the second “pray grant me your name, sir”  Pick-up to page 11, sing soprano II part to the end.  The Lark in Morning – Sing soprano beginning on page 13.  At rehearsal H, sing alto line. At the pick-up to rehearsal K, go back to soprano line.  May Song – Sing full chorus parts, beginning on p. 19.

Summer section: Summer is a -coming in and The Cuckoo – Full chorus parts.  Review previously learned pieces in the section.  You do not sing The Sheep Shearing

              Carefully review the following:

Winter Section:    We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59

p. 65


Autumn Section:  Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.


Pro Arte Practice Instructions

(*See the practice commitment and instructions below in the March 4th instructions.  Please be sure to read and use instruction as a guide.  We want the  March 24th concert to be fantastic!)

New pieces for March Concert:

Shenandoah, At the River and Wade in the River Jordan.  Accurately learn your part and memorize.  We have had this music for several weeks.  All of it should be further along by now.

Wade in the River Jordan – this piece needs careful attention!   Learn you part!  Most of this isn’t too difficult, since it consists of partner songs – combining melodies together.  Practice correctly singing your starting note for each section.    Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj-JFcVSCVs

Shenandoah mm. 21-31 – Molly sings all soprano I parts (stems up) where the part divides.  The rest of the sopranos sing the lower note. mm.32 – end, Molly on top soprano part, Dominique and Matilde on lower soprano part.  Lillian sings part 2 with Kamirra and Sadie.  Practice tricky ending on counting.

At the River- the notes for this simply are not that difficult.  Please apply yourself and learn them.

The concert will also include I Believe in the Sun, Simple Gifts and Da Pacem.  Please review!

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons: 

Keep learning the following:

Spring Section:  Early in the Spring – this movement needs the most work!  Be able to accurately sing your part independently, unaccompanied.  Lark in Morning – rehearsal E: Sop. 1 on Soprano line, Sop. 2 join altos on alto line. Rehearsal H – all sopranos on soprano line to the end of piece.  May Song – all sopranos learn descants.

Summer Section:  The Cuckoo p. 24 through 27.  For the four part round we will use the same part assignment that we use on Da Pacem.  Please also accurately learn the melody on page 28.  Continue learning the solfege for your part of the Semi-chorus on pp. 29&30.  Soprano:  Dominique, Matilde, Molly and Lilly.  Alto:  Katherine, Siara, Lauren, Sadie, Kamirra

The Sheep Shearing (p.35) – Be able to sing your part accurately unaccompanied.       

Winter Section:  In Bethlehem City (p.70)  - Part division for In Bethlehem City:  Soprano I – Dominique, Molly and Matilde; Soprano II – Kamirra, Lilly and Sadie; Alto – Lauren, Siara and Katherine.  Be able to sing accurately unaccompanied. 

              Carefully review the following::

Winter Section:  Carefully study text for these.  Try to memorize phrase by phrase.  We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59 – Sopranos, please review descants.  Everyone needs to review the ending.

p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants.   Practice descants on solfege and counting.  Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody.  Sopranos, be sure to study the short descant at the end of the piece.

Autumn Section:  Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review:Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Week of March 4, 2019

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Music for the March 24th concert:

At the River – Sing top part from the beginning through p. 4, second line (system). Last measure of p. 4, move to bottom part. Second system, move back up to top line until the end of the piece.

Wade in the River Jordan. Accurately learn your part and begin memorizing. Concert Choir does not sing the first page. At measure 8, learn bottom line. Page 3, you do not sing until the last two measures. There you sing the top part through the top of page 5. Mm. 56 – 70 sing top part. You don’t sing mm. 73-81. Mm. 82 end, sing top part.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Even though we will use the music for these, please work on memorizing. Faces need to be up and out of the music.

Spring section: Early in Spring – Concert Choir sings Soprano I part through the top of page 8. Second system of p. 8, sing soprano II part. Page 9 – don’t sing until last note pickup to page 10 where you sing Soprano I part through the second “pray grant me your name, sir” Pick-up to page 11, sing soprano II part to the end. The Lark in Morning – Sing soprano beginning on page 13. At rehearsal H, sing alto line. At the pick-up to rehearsal K, go back to soprano line. May Song – Sing full chorus parts, beginning on p. 19.

Summer section: Summer is a -coming in and The Cuckoo – Full chorus parts. Review previously learned pieces in the section. You do not sing The Sheep Shearing

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59

p. 65


Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.


Pro Arte Practice Instructions

*I am attaching the practice commitment and instructions below. Please be sure to read and use instruction as a guide. We want the March concert to be fantastic!

New pieces for March Concert:

Shenandoah, At the River and Wade in the River Jordan. Accurately learn your part and begin memorizing. We have had this music for several weeks. All of it should be further along by now.

Wade in the River Jordan – this piece needs careful attention! Learn you part! Most of this isn’t too difficult, since it consists of partner songs – combining melodies together. Practice correctly singing your starting note for each section.

Shenandoah mm. 21-31 – Molly sings all soprano I parts (stems up) where the part divides. The rest of the sopranos sing the lower note. mm.32 – end, Molly on top soprano part, Dominique and Matilde on lower soprano part. Practice tricky ending on counting.

At the River- the notes for this simply are not that difficult. Please apply yourself and learn them.

The March concert will also include I Believe in the Sun, Simple Gifts and Da Pacem. Please continue reviewing these – especially Da Pacem.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following:

Spring Section: Lark in Morning – rehearsal E: Sop. 1 on Soprano line, Sop. 2 join altos on alto line. Rehearsal H – all sopranos on soprano line to the end of piece. May Song – all sopranos learn descants.

Summer Section: The Cuckoo p. 24 through 27. For the four part round we will use the same part assignment that we use on Da Pacem. Please also accurately learn the melody on page 28. Continue learning the solfege for your part of the Semi-chorus on pp. 29&30. Soprano: Dominique, Matilde, Molly and Lilly. Alto: Katherine, Siara, Lauren, Sadie, Kamirra

The Sheep Shearing (p.35) – Be able to sing your part accurately unaccompanied.

Winter Section: In Bethlehem City (p.70) - Part division for In Bethlehem City: Soprano I – Dominique, Molly and Matilde; Soprano II – Kamirra, Lilly and Sadie; Alto – Lauren, Siara and Katherine. Be able to sing accurately unaccompanied.

Carefully review the following::

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59 – Sopranos, please review descants. Everyone needs to review the ending.

p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody. Sopranos, be sure to study the short descant at the end of the piece.

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Practice at Home

All choristers are required to practice at home for at least 20 minutes per day, six days each week. The actual time may vary according to the ability of the chorister, but it is essential that all choristers learn the music! Assignments regarding which repertoire is to be learned for the following week(s) are given out at each rehearsal verbally and/or in written form. Follow these home practice instructions! • Stand in front of a mirror so that you can see as well as feel and hear that you are singing properly. • Start with vocal warm ups to encourage free singing. • Practice solfege from Kodaly 333 Exercises every day. • Master the week’s assignment first, and then review and/or learn the other music in the folder. • Practice singing text in correct rhythm on one note, focusing on proper diction and vowel sounds. • Notes must be learned and music must be memorized by the assigned date.

 Home Practice Instructions for Singers!

Compiled for the Greater Richmond Children’s Choir by Leilani Mork

• Check your key signature, time signature, and all musical markings (legato, presto, etc.) Make sure you know what they mean.

• Look through the music and find the potential problems and practice these areas first:

o Meter changes – circle them and know when and how it changes your counting

o Key changes – circle them and know when and how it changes where ‘Do’ is.

o Tricky rhythms (tied notes, etc.) – circle them and practice counting the rhythms slowly and correctly as numbers, then with solfege and then with the words.

o Tricky intervals – practice the solfege slowly so you get it into your ear correctly.

o Practice the breath marks so you have enough breath for the long phrases and can articulate ending consonants at the correct place.

o Look up any words you don’t understand in the text so you know what you’re singing about as well as how to pronounce them.

• Practice in small sections (1 phrase at a time):

o Tapping the beat while counting the rhythms

o Tapping the beat while speaking the solfege

o Tapping the beat while singing the solfege

o Tapping the beat while speaking the words in rhythm

o Tapping the beat while singing the words in rhythm

o Go through each phrase and check dynamics and articulations and add them into your work.

• Once you’ve mastered a phrase, put two phrases together; continue in this fashion until song is completed.

• Things to remember:

o Check with a piano, keyboard or pitch pipe frequently to make sure you are staying on pitch. Find the note or notes that are the intonation culprits and correct them.

o Mark in your beats of rests so that you are aware of how many beats there are before your next entrance.

o If you have the ability to record yourself, do! Your ears will become your best friend and it will give you an immediate feedback if you are right but more importantly, if you are wrong!

o If you are having difficulty with an area, be sure to circle it and ask when you’re at rehearsal so we can address those issues to make sure you understand what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it.

o Find phrases that are similar and practice them back to back where any pitch or rhythm changes so you can understand where they are the same and where they are different.

o Look up the composer so you know who he/she is, when they were born, where they’re from, etc. Find out other major works they have written and then listen to their music to get a better idea of the style.

o Lastly, if 20-minutes a day is not getting you the results you need by the next rehearsal, try adding in increments of 5 minutes a day and see if that helps. If you have difficulty with finding all that time in one sitting, break it up throughout the day but always do at least 10 minutes at one sitting. Make sure you are not being distracted during that time of rehearsal and always remember to review what you learned the day before!!!

Week of February 25, 2019

Updated links for the Ralph Vaughn Williams Folk Songs for Concert and Pro Arte:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz-cdCcWphw

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9Li3jTfvkw

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

New music for the March 24th concert:

At the River and Wade in the River Jordan. Accurately learn your part and begin memorizing.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Focus on the Spring Section for our March 2 rehearsal and March 5 rehearsal. Use the recording shared below in last week’s practice notes.

Keep learning the following: The Cuckoo – p. 24 and p.29 (Full Chorus part)

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59

p. 65


Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

New pieces for March Concert:

Shenandoah, At the River and Wade in the River Jordan. Accurately learn your part and begin memorizing.

The March concert will also include I Believe in the Sun, Simple Gifts and Da Pacem. Please continue reviewing these – especially Da Pacem.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following:

The entire Spring Section as it was introduced at rehearsal on. Focus your practice on this section for the March 2 rehearsal. Listen to the recording posted below in last week’s practice notes.

The Sheep Shearing (p.35)

In Bethlehem City (p.70) - Part division for In Bethlehem City: Soprano I – Dominique, Molly and Matilde; Soprano II – Kamirra, Lilly and Jasmine; Alto – Lauren, Siara and Katherine. Be able to sing accurately unaccompanied.

The Cuckoo p. 24 through 27. For the four part round we will use the same part assignment that we use on Da Pacem. Please also learn the melody on page 29. Continue learning the solfege for your part of the Semi-chorus on pp. 29&30. Soprano: Dominique, Matilde, Molly and Lilly Alto: Katherine, Siara, Lauren, Sadie, Kamirra

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59 – Sopranos, please review descants. Everyone needs to review the ending.

p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody. Sopranos, be sure to study the short descant at the end of the piece.

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Week of February 18, 2019

Pro Arte and Concert Choirs please review this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz-cdCcWphw

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Keep reviewing the following (Since we didn’t get to sing our holiday concert, we will be using the music we worked so hard on for the library concert):

Remember: Once music is learned, it is very important to keep practicing it! As we found out last rehearsal, some of you now need to relearn you parts. Please work very hard on this before Saturday!

Review text for An Acre of Land and God Bless the Master. Both of these folk songs are on Saturday’s program.

Jubilate! – check rhythm, especially half notes at the end of phrases. Practice C naturals in the beginning of the melody. Check pronunciation of Deo (Deh-oh). Also, words with “ow” (now, etc.) should keep the “ah” sound, not moving to the “w” sound. To be sung by memory. Review text memory!

Hine Ma Tov - accurately learn the two-part sections by reviewing your part on solfege. To be sung from memory. Make sure everyone keeps singing in head (floating) voice throughout this piece. Try to not over sing/force your sound.

O Music – be sure the rhythms are memorized accurately with a steady beat. Especially work on holding dotted half notes long enough. The last word of this song is “sing” not “ring.”

Sing You Now – Study rhythms from m. 23 through m. 27.

African Noel – Everyone should carefully study part 1 – the top part.

A New Year Carol – review solfege. Stanza 1 – treble choir, Stanza 2 – concert choir, Stanza 3 – all. Everyone sings all refrains. To be sung from memory.

Boys - Please review “We’re walking in the air” from the Snowman.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following: The Cuckoo – p. 24 and p.29 (Full Chorus part), God bless the Master (p.77), May Song (p.17)

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59

p. 65

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Begin learning: The Lark in Morning – work out solfege for the soprano line on p. 13 up to rehearsal letter G. F is Do.

Don’t forget the added rehearsal Saturday March 2, 10 am - 12:30 pm, in preparation for the Lynchburg concert!

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Study and memorize Shabbat Service music. Be sure to practice clear diction and pronunciation. Drill difficult phrases over. We must not rely on the printed score!

New pieces for March Concert:

Shenandoah, At the River and Wade in the River Jordan. Accurately learn your part and begin memorizing.

The March concert will also include I Believe in the Sun, Simple Gifts and Da Pacem.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following:

The entire Spring Section as it was introduced at rehearsal on 2/11. Focus your practice on this section.

The Sheep Shearing (p.35)

In Bethlehem City (p.70) - Part division for In Bethlehem City: Soprano I – Dominique, Molly and Matilde; Soprano II – Kamirra, Lilly and Sadie; Alto – Lauren, Siara and Katherine. Be able to sing accurately unaccompanied.

The Cuckoo p. 24 through 27. For the four part round we will use the same part assignment that we use on Da Pacem. Please also learn the melody on page 29. Continue learning the solfege for your part of the Semi-chorus on pp. 29&30. Soprano: Dominique, Matilde, Molly and Lilly Alto: Katherine, Siara, Lauren, Sadie and Kamirra

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59 – Sopranos, please review descants. Everyone needs to review the ending.

p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody. Sopranos, be sure to study the short descant at the end of the piece.

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Don’t forget the added rehearsal Saturday March 2, 10 am - 12:30 pm, in preparation for the Lynchburg concert!

Week of February 11, 2019

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Study and memorize Shabbat Service music.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following:

The entire Spring Section as it was introduced at rehearsal on 2/11.

The Sheep Shearing (p.35)

In Bethlehem City (p.70) - Part division for In Bethlehem City: Soprano I – Dominique, Molly and Matilde; Soprano II – Kamirra, Lilly and Jasmine; Alto – Lauren, Siara and Katherine. Be able to sing accurately unaccompanied.

The Cuckoo p. 24 through 27. For the four part round we will use the same part assignment that we use on Da Pacem. Please also learn the melody on page 29. Continue learning the solfege for your part of the Semi-chorus on pp. 29&30. Soprano: Dominique, Matilde, Molly and Lilly Alto: Katherine, Siara, Lauren, Jasmine and Kamirra

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59 – Sopranos, please review descants. Everyone needs to review the ending.

p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody. Sopranos, be sure to study the short descant at the end of the piece.

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

New pieces for March Concert:

Shenandoah, At the River and Wade in the River Jordan. Learn these as introduced on 2/11.

We will also sing I Believe in the Sun, Simple Gifts and Da Pacem.

Week of February 4, 2019

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following: The Cuckoo – p. 24 and p.29 (Full Chorus part), God bless the Master (p.77), May Song (p.17)

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59

p. 65

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Begin learning: The Lark in Morning – work out solfege for the soprano line on p. 13 up to rehearsal letter G. F is Do.

Keep reviewing the following (Since we didn’t get to sing our holiday concert, we will be using the music we worked so hard on for the library concert):

Jubilate! – check rhythm, especially half notes at the end of phrases. Practice C naturals in the beginning of the melody. Check pronunciation of Deo (Deh-oh). Also, words with “ow” (now, etc.) should keep the “ah” sound, not moving to the “w” sound. To be sung by memory.

Hine Ma Tov - accurately learn the two-part sections by reviewing your part on solfege. To be sung from memory. Make sure everyone keeps singing in head (floating) voice throughout this piece. Try to not over sing/force your sound.

O Music – be sure this is memorized accurately with a steady beat. The last word of this song is “sing” not “ring.”

Sing You Now – Study rhythms from m. 23 through m. 27.

The Singing of Birds – Review mm. 4-26. Write in solfege syllables to the end of the piece.

African Noel – Everyone should learn part 1 – the top part. Work on memorizing.

A New Year Carol – review solfege. Stanza 1 – treble choir, Stanza 2 – concert choir, Stanza 3 – all. Everyone sings all refrains. To be sung from memory.

Boys - Please review “We’re walking in the air” from the Snowman.

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Study and memorize Shabbat Service music.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following: The Sheep Shearing (p.35) and In Bethlehem City (p.70)

Part division for In Bethlehem City: Soprano I – Dominique, Molly and Matilde; Soprano II – Kamirra, Lilly and Jasmine; Alto – Lauren, Siara and Katherine. Be able to sing accurately unaccompanied. The Cuckoo p. 24 through 27. For the four part round we will use the same part assignment that we use on Da Pacem. Please also learn the melody on page 29. Begin learning the solfege for your part of the Semi-chorus on pp. 29&30. Soprano: Dominique, Matilde, Molly and Lilly Alto: Katherine, Siara, Lauren, Jasmine and Kamirra

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59 – Sopranos, please review descants. Everyone needs to review the ending.

p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody. Sopranos, be sure to study the short descant at the end of the piece.

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Begin learning: May Song, p. 17. Pro Arte sings the Semi-chorus part and desants. G is ‘do’ at the beginning and end of the piece. E is ‘do’ in the middle section – four sharps.

Week of January 28, 2019

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following: The Cuckoo – p. 24 and p.29 (Full Chorus part), God bless the Master (p.77), May Song (p.17)

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59

p. 65

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Begin learning: The Lark in Morning – work out solfege for the soprano line on p. 13 up to rehearsal letter G. F is Do.

Keep reviewing the following (Since we didn’t get to sing our holiday concert, we will be using the music we worked so hard on for the library concert):

Jubilate! – check rhythm, especially half notes at the end of phrases. Practice C naturals in the beginning of the melody. Check pronunciation of Deo (Deh-oh). Also, words with “ow” (now, etc.) should keep the “ah” sound, not moving to the “w” sound. To be sung by memory.

Hine Ma Tov - accurately learn the two-part sections by reviewing your part on solfege. To be sung from memory. Make sure everyone keeps singing in head (floating) voice throughout this piece. Try to not over sing/force your sound.

O Music – be sure this is memorized accurately with a steady beat. The last word of this song is “sing” not “ring.”

Sing You Now – Study rhythms from m. 23 through m. 27.

The Singing of Birds – Review mm. 4-26. Write in solfege syllables to the end of the piece.

African Noel – Everyone should learn part 1 – the top part. Work on memorizing.

A New Year Carol – review solfege. Stanza 1 – treble choir, Stanza 2 – concert choir, Stanza 3 – all. Everyone sings all refrains. To be sung from memory.

Boys - Please review “We’re walking in the air” from the Snowman

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

PRIORITY: Keep reviewing and check memory for our February 3rd performance:

Da Pacem – secure difficult harmonies/chords.

Messe Basse – finish memorizing

I Believe in the Sun

Simple Gifts

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following: The Sheep Shearing (p.35) and In Bethlehem City (p.70)

Part division for In Bethlehem City: Soprano I – Dominique, Molly and Matilde; Soprano II – Kamirra, Lilly and Jasmine; Alto – Lauren, Siara and Katherine. Be able to sing accurately unaccompanied.

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59 – Sopranos, please review descants. Everyone needs to review the ending.

p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody. Sopranos, be sure to study the short descant at the end of the piece.

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Begin learning: The Cuckoo p. 24 through 27. For the four part round we will use the same part assignment that we use on Da Pacem. Please also learn the melody on page 29. Begin learning the solfege for your part of the Semi-chorus on pp. 29&30. Soprano: Dominique, Matilde, Molly and Lilly Alto: Katherine, Siara, Lauren, Jasmine and Kamirra

Study and memorize Shabbat Service music

Week of January 21, 2019

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following: The Cuckoo – p. 24 and p.29 (Full Chorus part), God bless the Master (p.77), May Song (p.17)

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59

p. 65

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Begin learning: The Lark in Morning – work out solfege for the soprano line on p. 13 up to rehearsal letter G. F is Do.

Keep reviewing the following (Since we didn’t get to sing our holiday concert, we will be using the music we worked so hard on for the library concert):

Jubilate! – check rhythm, especially half notes at the end of phrases. Practice C naturals in the beginning of the melody. Check pronunciation of Deo (Deh-oh). Also, words with “ow” (now, etc.) should keep the “ah” sound, not moving to the “w” sound. To be sung by memory.

Hine Ma Tov - accurately learn the two-part sections by reviewing your part on solfege. To be sung from memory. Make sure everyone keeps singing in head (floating) voice throughout this piece. Try to not over sing/force your sound.

O Music – be sure this is memorized accurately with a steady beat. The last word of this song is “sing” not “ring.”

Sing You Now – Study rhythms from m. 23 through m. 27.

The Singing of Birds – Review mm. 4-26. Write in solfege syllables to the end of the piece.

African Noel – review your part on solfege syllables for the entire piece, paying careful attention to rhythm and rests. After that, practice with text. Study where the repeats occur in the music. To be sung from memory.

A New Year Carol – review solfege. Practice text for entire piece. To be sung from memory.

Boys - Please review “We’re walking in the air” from the Snowman.

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following: The Sheep Shearing (p.35) and In Bethlehem City (p.70)

Part division for In Bethlehem City: Soprano I – Dominique, Molly and Matilde; Soprano II – Kamirra, Lilly and Jasmine; Alto – Lauren, Siara and Katherine. Be able to sing accurately unaccompanied.

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59 – Sopranos, please review descants. Everyone needs to review the ending.

p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody. Sopranos, be sure to study the short descant at the end of the piece.

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Begin learning: The Cuckoo p. 24 through 27. For the four part round we will use the same part assignment that we use on Da Pacem. Please also learn the melody on page 28. Work on solfege for the Semi-chorus part on pp. 29&30. Soprano: Dominique, Matilde, Molly, Lilly

Alto: Katherine, Siara, Lauren, Kamirra and Jasmine.

Keep reviewing and check memory for our February 3rd performance:

Da Pacem – keep learning your part. This isn’t quite secure.

Messe Basse (Let’s see to what degree we can sing this from memory)

I Believe in the Sun

Simple Gifts

Study and memorize Shabbat Service music.