Week of January 14, 2019

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following: The Cuckoo – p. 24 and p.29 (Full Chorus part), God bless the Master (p.77)

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59

p. 65

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Begin learning: Melody for May Song, p. 17 through top of p. 18. G Major – G is Do, melody begins on La.

Keep reviewing the following (Since we didn’t get to sing our holiday concert, we will be using the music we worked so hard on for the library concert):

Jubilate! – check rhythm, especially half notes at the end of phrases. Practice C naturals in the beginning of the melody. Check pronunciation of Deo (Deh-oh). Also, words with “ow” (now, etc.) should keep the “ah” sound, not moving to the “w” sound. To be sung by memory.

Hine Ma Tov - accurately learn the two-part sections by reviewing your part on solfege. To be sung from memory. Make sure everyone keeps singing in head (floating) voice throughout this piece. Try to not over sing/force your sound.

O Music – be sure this is memorized accurately with a steady beat. The last word of this song is “sing” not “ring.”

Sing You Now – Study rhythms from m. 23 through m. 27.

The Singing of Birds – Review mm. 4-26. Write in solfege syllables to the end of the piece.

African Noel – review your part on solfege syllables for the entire piece, paying careful attention to rhythm and rests. After that, practice with text. Study where the repeats occur in the music. To be sung from memory.

A New Year Carol – review solfege. Practice text for entire piece. To be sung from memory.

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Note: Some of you will have the day off from school, but we will hold rehearsal on Monday January 21st.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Keep learning the following: The Sheep Shearing (p.35) and In Bethlehem City (p.70)

Part division for In Bethlehem City: Soprano I – Dominique, Molly and Matilde; Soprano II – Kamirra, Lilly and Jasmine; Alto – Lauren, Siara and Katherine. Be able to sing accurately unaccompanied.

Carefully review the following:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59 – Sopranos, please review descants. Everyone needs to review the ending.

p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody. Sopranos, be sure to study the short descant at the end of the piece.

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Begin learning: The Cuckoo p. 24 through 27. For the four part round we will use the same part assignment that we use on Da Pacem.

Keep reviewing for our February 3rd performance:

Da Pacem – keep learning your part. This isn’t quite secure.

Messe Basse

I Believe in the Sun

Simple Gifts

Study Shabbat Service music. The Cantor from Beth Ahaba will join us for part of our rehearsal on Monday.

Week of January 7, 2019

Happy New Year!

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Keep reviewing the following (Since we didn’t get to sing our holiday concert, we will be using the music we worked so hard on for the library concert):

Jubilate! – check rhythm, especially half notes at the end of phrases. Practice C naturals in the beginning of the melody. Check pronunciation of Deo (Deh-oh). Also, words with “ow” (now, etc.) should keep the “ah” sound, not moving to the “w” sound. To be sung by memory.

Hine Ma Tov - accurately learn the two-part sections by reviewing your part on solfege. To be sung from memory. Make sure everyone keeps singing in head (floating) voice throughout this piece. Try to not over sing/force your sound.

O Music – be sure this is memorized accurately with a steady beat. The last word of this song is “sing” not “ring.”

Sing You Now – Study rhythms from m. 23 through m. 27.

The Singing of Birds – Review mm. 4-26. Write in solfege syllables to the end of the piece.

African Noel – review your part on solfege syllables for the entire piece, paying careful attention to rhythm and rests. After that, practice with text. Study where the repeats occur in the music. To be sung from memory.

A New Year Carol – review solfege. Practice text for entire piece. To be sung from memory.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

p. 59

p. 65

p. 70 – Concert choir sings refrain each time is occurs. The first instance is pick-up to the last measure of p. 71 through the top of p. 72.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody.

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Winter Section: Carefully study text for these. Try to memorize phrase by phrase. We need to have our eyes up and out of the music.

*p. 59 – Sopranos, please review descants. Everyone needs to review the ending.

*p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 70 – Study your part: Soprano I – Dominique, Molly and Matilde; Soprano II – Kamirra, Lilly and Jasmine; Alto – Lauren, Siara and Katherine. Be able to sing accurately unaccompanied.

p. 77 – Finish accurately learning melody. Sopranos, be sure to study the short descant at the end of the piece.

Autumn Section: Review p. 41 and p. 55 at least once per week.

Other selections to review: Prologue, p. 31 and p. 38

Begin learning: p. 35 – A-flat is Do. Dominique, Matilde, Molly and Lilly sing soprano. Jasmine, Kamirra, Lauren, Siara and Katherine sing alto.

Keep reviewing for our February 3rd performance:

Da Pacem – keep learning your part. This isn’t quite secure.

Messe Basse

I Believe in the Sun

Simple Gifts

Study Shabbat Service music.

Treble Choir Practice Instructions


Part 1 - Caleb, Star, Chris, Jailyn, Zari

Part 2 - Evan, Othniel, Lydia, Aden

No Laugh Race – Practice the front page and the top of the back page until you get to “don’t you dare!” on the solfege. Challenge yourself to keep singing through the next part on solfege to see if you can learn the melody before next week.

O Music - Sing through entire melody on your own. Remember all vowels should be pure and round.

Traveler’s Tale - Sing through the song and remember - sing to something in your hands that is soft and cuddly! Practice bouncing your tone and singing in your head voice! Also, continue to work on your diction.

Good Night – Sing through entire song on your part. Nice tall, lifted soft-palates!

African Noel – Sing through the whole song and memorize the phrases.

New Year Carol – Memorize the song and the verses. Remember, the order of the text – toe & west & old, chin & east & new. Practice singing with a tall lifted tone all the way through the piece.

Additional Notes: Everyone - Work specifically on singing in your head voice. Start by yawning and singing an “A” in the same space. Try recording yourself singing and listening back. When you do this, you can hear what I hear and it may help you to work on it at home.

Week of December 3, 2018

Pro Arte:

Music for December 9th concert:

Please work to make this concert the best it can be, which means being your best!

Be sure you are practicing with open and supported tone quality. Always think about a lifted soft palate to avoid a nasal tone quality.

O Music – be sure to review perfect rhythm and counting. Keep a steady beat so the round stays together.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Be sure to study “road map” and become extremely comfortable with the text (work as though you were memorizing). We need to keep our faces up and out of the music.

*p. 59 – review letters F through end of piece. Work out ending, letter R to the end.

*p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

I Believe in the Sun – I have added this in to the program instead of Da Pacem – please carefully review.

African Noel – memorize – check dynamics as you work on memory

A New Year Carol – memorize – The verses are to be sung pianissimo. The refrain is mezzo forte, except for the final pianissimo refrain. Remember, singing softly takes a lot of breath support.

Sing-along music – review.

Continue working on the following for future performances:

Folk Songs

p. 70 – Concert choir sings Soprano I, Pro Arte sopranos sing Soprano II. Work out solfege through the bottom of p. 74 (up to the fermata).

p. 78 – review through rehearsal letter E. work on text for the entire piece. Sopranos, learn descant at the end of the piece.

Da Pacem:

Review your part for this entire piece, especially entry notes at measure 9. Check the entire system beginning at measure 9 for note and tuning accuracy. Work especially on counting sustained notes. Memorize.

S I: Dominique and Matilde

S II: Molly and Lily

A I: Kamirra and Lauren

A II: Siara and Katherine

Review Folk Songs we have already performed. Review Messe Basse.

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Music for December 9th Concert:

Jubilate! – check rhythm, especially half notes at the end of phrases. Practice C naturals in the beginning of the melody. Check pronunciation of Deo (Deh-oh). Also, words with “ow” (now, etc.) should keep the “ah” sound, not moving to the “w” sound. To be sung by memory.

Hine Ma Tov - accurately learn the two-part sections by reviewing your part on solfege. To be sung from memory. Make sure everyone keeps singing in head (floating) voice throughout this piece. Try to not over sing/force your sound.

O Music – be sure this is memorized accurately with a steady beat. The last word of this song is “sing” not “ring.”

Sing You Now – Study rhythms from m. 23 through m. 27. To be sung from memory.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Carefully study the texts as though you were memorizing. We need to keep our faces up and out of the books for he performance.

p. 59 – review soprano and alto parts through letter J. These parts repeat beginning at the bottom of page 63 through letter R. One measure after R everyone sings the bottom (alto) line. All Concert Choir members please learn the alto line (the melody) from letter K through letter N.

p. 65 – Review melody on solfege. When this piece divides into two parts, Concert Choir sings the bottom “Full Chorus” part.

African Noel – review your part on solfege syllables for the entire piece, paying careful attention to rhythm and rests. After that, practice with text. Study where the repeats occur in the music. To be sung from memory.

A New Year Carol – review solfege. Practice text for entire piece. To be sung from memory.

Review sing-along music.

Beyond December 9th:

Continue studying Folk Songs beginning on p. 70 (Concert Choir learns Soprano 1 part) and p. 78. Review Folk Songs we have already performed

Regarding the key signatures and how the solfege syllables relate, it can be helpful to sing the scale that matches the key signature on the syllables (do, re, mi, etc.) before working on the piece. If you do not have a piano, download a free pitch pipe app to be certain you are learning your music on the correct pitch. Refer to the scale sheet I handed out. Remember, music making is a process and learning music takes time. These instructions are a guide. Do the best you can! The more regularly you practice, the more rewarding our rehearsals and performances will be.

Treble Choir

Part 1 - Caleb, Star, Lydia, Chris, Zari

Part 2 - Evan, Othniel, Jailyn, Aiden

O Music - Sing through entire melody on your own. Remember all vowels should be pure and round.

Traveler’s Tale - Sing through the song and remember - sing to something in your hands that is soft and cuddly! Finalize memorizing this piece. Speak the text out-loud and maybe get a sibling or parent to help you “fill in the phrase”, like we did in rehearsal. Practice bouncing your tone and singing in your head voice! Also, continue to work on your diction.

Good Night – Sing through entire song on your part. Finalize memorizing the piece. Nice tall, lifted soft-palates!

African Noel – Sing through the whole song and memorize the phrases. Don’t forget that after you sing your low “sings”, it stays low for the rest of the song.

New Year Carol – Memorize the song and the verses. Remember, the order of the text – toe & west & old, chin & east & new. Practice singing with a tall lifted tone all the way through the piece.

Sing Along Packet – Sing through each of the sing along songs a few times to familiarize yourself with the melody.

Additional Notes: Everyone - Work specifically on singing in your head voice. Start by yawning and singing an “A” in the same space. Try recording yourself singing and listening back. When you do this, you can hear what I hear and it may help you to work on it at home.

Week of November 26, 2018

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Music for December 9th concert:

Be sure you are practicing with open and supported tone quality. Always think about a lifted soft palate to avoid a nasal tone quality.

O Music

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

*These will definitely be included in the program – be sure to study “road map” and become extremely comfortable with the text (work as though you were memorizing).

*p. 59 – review letters F through end of piece. Work out ending, letter R to the end.

*p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants. Practice descants on solfege and counting. Work on bringing them accurately up to tempo.

p. 70 – Concert choir sings Soprano I, Pro Arte sopranos sing Soprano II. Work out solfege through the bottom of p. 74 (up to the fermata).

p. 78 – review through rehearsal letter E. work on text for the entire piece. Sopranos, learn descant at the end of the piece.

Da Pacem:

Review your part for this entire piece, especially entry notes at measure 9. Check the entire system beginning at measure 9 for note and tuning accuracy. Work especially on counting sustained notes. Memorize.

S I: Dominique and Matilde

S II: Molly and Lily

AI: Kamirra and Lauren

AII: Siara and Katherine

African Noel – finish memorizing

A New Year Carol – memorize

Not on the Dec. 9th concert:

Review Folk Songs we have already performed. Review Messe Basse.

Concert Choir Instructions

Jubilate! – check rhythm, especially half notes at the end of phrases. Practice C naturals in the beginning of the melody.

Hine Ma Tov - accurately learn the two-part sections by reviewing your part on solfege. Memorize. Make sure everyone keeps singing in head (floating) voice throughout this piece. Try to not over sing/force your sound.

O Music – be sure this is memorized accurately for next week.

Sing You Now – review. Study rhythms from m. 23 through m. 27.

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Carefully study the texts in rhythm for both of the following pieces.

p. 59 – review soprano and alto parts through letter J. These parts repeat beginning at the bottom of page 63 through letter R. One measure after R everyone sings the bottom (alto) line. All Concert Choir members please learn the alto line (the melody) from letter K through letter N.

p. 65 – Review melody on solfege. When this piece divides into two parts, Concert Choir sings the bottom “Full Chorus” part.

African Noel – review your part on solfege syllables for the entire piece, paying careful attention to rhythm and rests. After that, practice with text. Study where the repeats occur in the music. Memorize.

A New Year Carol – review solfege. Practice text for entire piece. Memorize.

Please also listen to and practice with the following:

New Year Carol, Britten

Folk Songs page 58

Folk Songs page 65

African Noel

Week of November 12, 2018

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Music for December 9th concert:

O Music

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

*These will definitely be included in the program

*p. 59 – review letters F through end of piece. Work out ending, letter R to the end.

*p. 65 – review entire piece, especially descants.

p. 70 – Concert choir sings Soprano I, Pro Arte sopranos sing Soprano II. Work out solfege through the bottom of p. 74 (up to the fermata).

p. 78 – review through rehearsal letter E. work on text for the entire piece. Sopranos, learn descant at the end of the piece.

Da Pacem:

Review your part for this entire piece. Work especially on counting sustained notes. Memorize.

S I: Dominique and Matilde

S II: Molly and Lily

AI: Kamirra and Lauren

AII: Siara and Katherine

African Noel – review and begin memorizing

A New Year Carol – review solfege and text for all stanzas.

Review Folk Songs we have already performed.

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

The following pieces are for the November 20th Thanksgiving Service at Grace and Holy Trinity:

Psalm – study text.

Hymn packet

Jubilate! – check rhythm, especially half notes at the end of phrases. Practice C naturals in the beginning of the melody.

Hine Ma Tov - accurately learn the two part sections. Memorize. Make sure everyone keeps singing in head (floating) voice throughout this piece. Try to not over sing/force your sound.

Bread of Love, Cup of Grace – be sure this is memorized. Study the “road map” – repeated sections, when the descant is sung, etc. I am sending a recording with this. Even though it is not the best quality, it should help you learn the music. https://www.sjmp.com/files/audio/bread-of-love.mp3

The following are for our December 9th concert:

Sing You Now - review

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

p. 59 – review soprano and alto parts through letter J. All Concert Choir members please learn the alto line (the melody) from letter K through letter N.

p. 65 – work out solfege through letter C. G is ‘Do.’ The first two pitches of the melody are Sol and Do. Once you learn this first section, you will have learned your notes for the entire piece. When this piece divides into two parts, Concert Choir sings the bottom “Full Chorus” part.

Review pieces we sang on our last concert.

African Noel – review your part on solfege syllables for the entire piece. Study where the repeats occur in the music.

A New Year Carol – review solfege. Practice text for entire piece.

Regarding the key signatures and how the solfege syllables relate, it can be helpful to sing the scale that matches the key signature on the syllables (do, re, mi, etc.) before working on the piece. If you do not have a piano, download a free pitch pipe app to be certain you are learning your music on the correct pitch. Refer to the scale sheet I handed out. Remember, music making is a process and learning music takes time. These instructions are a guide. Do the best you can! The more regularly you practice, the more rewarding our rehearsals and performances will be.

Week of November 5, 2018

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Review what we learned for our last concert

p. 59 – review letters F through N (descant folks, especially). Work out ending, letter R to the end.

p. 65 – review letters A through C. Sopranos work out solfege for you part beginning with letter F through the end of the piece.

p. 70 – Concert choir sings Soprano I, Pro Arte sopranos sing Soprano II. Work out solfege through the bottom of p. 74 (up to the fermata).

p. 78 – review through rehearsal letter E. work on text for the entire piece. Sopranos, learn descant at the end of the piece.

We will sing the following music this Sunday, November 11th:

Review the hymns and service music handed out at the last rehearsal.

Messe Basse - review

Simple Gifts – review. Molly and Lilly secure the Soprano II notes at the bottom of p. 2

I Believe in the Sun – review. Altos, please secure your notes. mm. 43 to the end.

Da Pacem:

Review your part for this entire piece. Work especially on counting sustained notes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKK52tUDOW4

S I: Dominique and Matilde

S II: Molly and Lily

AI: Kamirra and Lauren

AII: Siara and Katherine

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Sing You Now - review

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

p. 59 – review soprano and alto parts through letter J. All Concert Choir members please learn the alto line (the melody) from letter K through letter N.

p. 65 – work out solfege through letter C. G is ‘Do.’ The first two pitches of the melody are Sol and Do. Once you learn this first section, you will have learned your notes for the entire piece. When this piece divides into two parts, Concert Choir sings the bottom “Full Chorus” part.

Review pieces we sang on our last concert.

The following pieces are for the November 20th Thanksgiving Service at Grace and Holy Trinity:


Jubilate! – check rhythm and pitch memory. Practice C naturals in the beginning of the melody.

Hine Ma Tov - Finish learning through the end of the piece and memorize. We are in F Major, so F is ‘Do.’ Make sure everyone keeps singing in head (floating) voice throughout this piece. Try to not over sing/force your sound.

Bread of Love, Cup of Grace – finish learning the entire piece as we worked on it last rehearsal. Study the “road map” – repeated sections, when the descant is sung, etc. I am sending a recording with this. Even though it is not the best quality, it should help you learn the music. https://www.sjmp.com/files/audio/bread-of-love.mp3

Regarding the key signatures and how the solfege syllables relate, it can be helpful to sing the scale that matches the key signature on the syllables (do, re, mi, etc.) before working on the piece. If you do not have a piano, download a free pitch pipe app to be certain you are learning your music on the correct pitch. Refer to the scale sheet I handed out. Remember, music making is a process and learning music takes time. These instructions are a guide. Do the best you can! The more regularly you practice, the more rewarding our rehearsals and performances will be.

Week of October 29, 2018

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Review what we learned for our last concert

p. 59 – review letters F through J. Work out solfege for your part through letter N

p. 65 – review letters A through C. Sopranos work out solfege for you part beginning with letter F through the end of the piece.

p. 70 – Concert choir sings Soprano I, Pro Arte sopranos sing Soprano II. Work out solfege through the bottom of p. 74 (up to the fermata).

p. 78 – review through rehearsal letter E. work on text for the entire piece. Sopranos, learn descant at the end of the piece.

Messe Basse - review

Simple Gifts – review. Molly and Lilly secure the Soprano II notes at the bottom of p. 2

I Believe in the Sun - review Be certain to review pitches on solfege from mm. 43 to the end.

Da Pacem:

Review your part for this entire piece. Work especially on counting sustained notes.

S I: Dominique and Matilde

S II: Molly and Lily

AI: Kamirra and Lauren

AII: Siara and Katherine

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

Review what we sang on our last concert.

p. 59 – review soprano part through letter J.

p. 65 – work out solfege through letter C. G is ‘Do.’ The first two pitches of the melody are Sol and Do.

Jubilate! – review. Carefully study m. 54 to the end.

Sing You Now - review

Hine Ma Tov - Finish learning through the end of the piece and memorize. We are in F Major, so F is ‘Do.’ Part 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Part 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Bread of Love, Cup of Grace – review the entire piece as we worked on it last rehearsal. I am sending a recording with this. Even though it is not the best quality, it should help you learn the music. https://www.sjmp.com/files/audio/bread-of-love.mp3

Regarding the key signatures and how the solfege syllables relate, it can be helpful to sing the scale that matches the key signature on the syllables (do, re, mi, etc.) before working on the piece. If you do not have a piano, download a free pitch pipe app to be certain you are learning your music on the correct pitch. Refer to the scale sheet I handed out. Remember, music making is a process and learning music takes time. These instructions are a guide. Do the best you can! The more regularly you practice, the more rewarding our rehearsals and performances will be.

Week of October 15, 2018

Treble Choir

Practice Instructions – October 16th

Part 1 - Caleb, Star, Lydia, Chris, Zari

Part 2 - Evan, Othniel, Jailyn, Aiden

O Music - Sing through entire melody on your own. Remember all vowels should be pure and round.

Traveler’s Tale - Sing through the song and remember - sing to something in your hands that is soft and cuddly! Continue working on memorizing this piece. Speak the text outloud and maybe get a sibling or parent to help you “fill in the phrase”, like we did in rehearsal. Practice bouncing your tone and singing in your head voice! Also, continue to work on your diction - remember what that means?

Good Night – Sing through entire song on your part. Part II – Be very careful about your counting when you separate into your own part, and watch the tone quality of your sound. Drop your jaws!

Do - Re - Mi - Practice the last two pages that we learned this week. Maintaining your "head voice", make sure you don't sing it with your chest voice throughout the whole song. Sing all the way through the song. Begin memorizing this piece.

America the Beautiful – Sing through the entire song with clear words (diction) and pure tone. Sing like angels.

Additional Notes: Everyone - Work specifically on singing in your head voice. Start by yawning and singing an “A” in the same space. Try recording yourself singing and listening back. When you do this, you can hear what I hear and it may help you to work on it at home.

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

All of the music listed here, except the Da Pacem, will be performed on October 28th! Please do not wait until the last minute to study. Rehearsals and performances are much more enjoyable when each participant does their very best to practice regularly! FYI, The Concert Choir was ahead of you in knowing their Folk Song texts. Please be sure to practice regularly between now and the next rehearsal. Thanks!

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons (All five of these will be performed on October 28th.):

For each of the following pieces, the priority is to practice the texts in rhythm. Drill difficult phrases 5-10 tiimes in a row.

To the Ploughboy (p. 2) and An Acre of Land (p. 55) – These are the most secure. Review once before rehearsal. In “An Acre of Land,” check notes in the 5th measure of rehearsal

letter L.

John Barleycorn (p. 41) – Make it a priority to secure pitches. B-flat is ‘Do’

A Sprig of Thyme (p. 31) – Keep learning notes on solfege. Learn how the text of each stanza relates to the rhythm. Dominique, Matilde and Molly, drill each descant 5-10 times in a row. Be certain you have learned the pitches accurately.

The Green Meadow (p. 38) – Drill text!

Messe Basse:

Agnus Dei is the priority, particularly mm. 44-end! Be sure to study this each day.

Review Sanctus and Benedictus

Kyrie – A-flat is ‘Do.’ Be sure to secure your assigned part at the end. Lilly and Molly learn the middle note of the final two chords.

Agnus Dei – G is ‘Do.’ Lauren, Siara, Katherine, Kamirra – soprano 2; Molly, Lillian, Matilde and Dominique – soprano 1. When there is divisi; Molly, Lillian and Kamirra sing the middle notes. This is the same assignment of parts as the Kyrie.

Simple Gifts:

Memorize. Molly and Lilly sing the Soprano II notes at the bottom of p. 2

I Believe in the Sun:

Memorize. Be certain to correctly learn pitches on solfege from mm. 43 to the end.

Da Pacem:

Review you part through m. 12. Learn your part through m. 19.

S I: Dominique and Matilde

S II: Molly and Lily

AI: Kamirra and Lauren

AII: Siara and Katherine

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

All of the music listed here will be performed on October 28th! Please do not wait until the last minute to study. Rehearsals and performances are much more enjoyable when each participant does their very best to practice regularly!

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons (We will sing all five of these pieces on our October 28th concert):

For each of the following pieces, the priority is to practice the texts in rhythm. Drill difficult phrases 5-10 times in a row. I suggest first speaking text in rhythm followed by singing.

To the Ploughboy (p. 2) – This piece is in G Major so G is ‘Do.’ You will sing the “all voices” part throughout this piece. You do not sing the descant part.

An Acre of Land (p. 55) – This piece is in F Major so F is ‘Do.’ Check notes in the 5th measure of rehearsal letter L.

John Barleycorn (p. 41) - B-flat is ‘Do.’ Concert Choir sings the full chorus refrain throughout this piece.

A Sprig of Thyme (p. 31) and The Green Meadow (p. 38) – Review singing the melody of each of these on the solfege syllables we worked on during rehearsal.


Memorize. Voice 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Voice 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia. Carefully study m. 54 to the end.

Sing You Now:

Memorize. Part 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Part 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia. Part 1 should practice opening their mouths more while singing, in order to produce a fuller tone to balance Part 2.

Hine Ma Tov: Finish learning through the end of the piece. We are in F Major, so F is ‘Do.’

Part 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Part 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Regarding the key signatures and how the solfege syllables relate, it can be helpful to sing the scale that matches the key signature on the syllables (do, re, mi, etc.) before working on the piece. Refer to the scale sheet I handed out. Remember, music making is a process and learning music takes time. These instructions are a guide. Do the best you can! The more regularly you practice, the more rewarding our rehearsals and performances will be.