Week of October 8, 2018

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

All of the music listed here will be performed on October 28th! Please do not wait until the last minute to study. Rehearsals and performances are much more enjoyable when each participant does their very best to practice regularly!

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons (We will sing all five of these pieces on our October 28th concert):

For each of the following pieces, the priority is to practice the texts in rhythm. Drill difficult phrases 5-10 times in a row. I suggest first speaking in rhythm followed by singing.

To the Ploughboy (p. 2) – This piece is in G Major so G is ‘Do.’ You will sing the “all voices” part throughout this piece. You do not sing the descant part.

An Acre of Land (p. 55) – This piece is in F Major so F is ‘Do.’

John Barleycorn (p. 41) - B-flat is ‘Do.’ Concert Choir sings the full chorus refrain throughout this piece.

A Sprig of Thyme (p. 31) and The Green Meadow (p. 38) – Review singing the melody of each of these on the solfege syllables we worked on during rehearsal.


Memorize. Voice 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Voice 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia. Carefully study m. 54 to the end.

Sing You Now:

Memorize. Part 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Part 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Hine Ma Tov: Continue working out solfege syllables through the end of the piece.

We are in F Major, so F is ‘Do.’

Part 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Part 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Regarding the key signatures and how the solfege syllables relate, it can be helpful to sing the scale that matches the key signature on the syllables (do, re, mi, etc.) before working on the piece. Refer to the scale sheet I handed out. Remember, music making is a process and learning music takes time. These instructions are a guide. Do the best you can! The more regularly you practice, the more rewarding our rehearsals and performances will be.

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

All of the music listed here, except the Da Pacem, will be performed on October 28th! Please do not wait until the last minute to study. Rehearsals and performances are much more enjoyable when each participant does their very best to practice regularly!

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons (All five of these will be performed on October 28th.):

For each of the following pieces, the priority is to practice the texts in rhythm. Drill difficult phrases 5-10 tiimes in a row.

To the Ploughboy (p. 2) and An Acre of Land (p. 55) – These are the most secure. Review once before rehearsal. In “An Acre of Land,” check notes in the 5th measure of rehearsal

letter L.

John Barleycorn (p. 41) – Make it a priority to secure pitches. B-flat is ‘Do’

A Sprig of Thyme (p. 31) – Keep learning notes on solfege. Learn how the text of each stanza relates to the rhythm. Dominique, Matilde and Molly, drill each descant 5-10 times in a row. Be certain you have learned the pitches accurately.

The Green Meadow (p. 38) – Drill text!

Messe Basse:

Agnus Dei is the priority, particularly mm. 44-end! Be sure to study this each day.

Review Sanctus and Benedictus

Kyrie – A-flat is ‘Do.’ Be sure to secure your assigned part at the end. Lilly and Molly learn the middle note of the final two chords.

Agnus Dei – G is ‘Do.’ Lauren, Siara, Katherine, Kamirra – soprano 2; Molly, Lillian, Matilde and Dominique – soprano 1. When there is divisi; Molly, Lillian and Kamirra sing the middle notes. This is the same assignment of parts as the Kyrie.

Simple Gifts:

Memorize. Molly and Lilly sing the Soprano II notes at the bottom of p. 2

I Believe in the Sun:

Memorize. Be certain to correctly learn pitches on solfege from mm. 43 to the end.

Da Pacem:

Review you part through m. 12. Learn your part through m. 19.

S I: Dominique and Matilde

S II: Molly and Lily

AI: Kamirra and Lauren

AII: Siara and Katherine

Treble Practice Instructions – October 9th

Part 1 - Caleb, Star, Lydia, Chris, Zari

Part 2 - Evan, Othniel, Jailyn, Aiden

O Music - Sing through entire melody on your own. Remember all vowels should be pure and round.

Traveler’s Tale - Sing through the song and remember - sing to something in your hands that is soft and cuddly! Continue working on memorizing this piece. Practice bouncing your tone and singing in your head voice! No one should be speak-singing. Place the sound in between the back of your throats and the roof of your mouth.

Good Night – Sing through entire song on your part. Part II – Be very careful about your counting when you separate into your own part. Make sure the timing is right and keep a nice pure tone on all of your tall notes.

Do - Re - Mi - Practice middle sections and later sections where you are in two parts. Maintaining your "head voice", make sure you don't sing it with your chest voice throughout the whole song. Sing all the way through the song. Begin memorizing this piece.

America the Beautiful – Sing through the entire song with clear words and pure tone.

Additional Notes: Everyone - Work specifically on singing in your head voice. Start by yawning and singing an “A” in the same space. Try recording yourself singing and listening back. When you do this, you can hear what I hear and it may help you to work on it at home.

Week of September 24, 2018

Treble Choir Practice instructions

Part 1 - Caleb, Star, Lydia, Chris, Zari

Part 2 - Evan, Othniel, Jailyn, Aden

O Music - Sing through entire melody on your own. 
Traveller's Tale - Sing through the song and remember - sing to something in your hands that is soft and cuddly! Practice speaking and singing all of the words so that they come out easier. Begin to work on memorizing this piece.
Good Night - Continue practicing measures 29-36 for YOUR PART. Sing through the song in your head voice, and work on sounding like angels. 
Do - Re - Mi - Practice middle sections (Sol - Do - La - Fa) in your part, and maintaining your "head voice", make sure you don't sing it with your chest voice throughout the whole song. Sing through the new two part section in your parts (D-MM, M-SS). 
America the Beautiful - Speak through the text and practice the entire song on the melody.

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons (We will sing all five of these pieces on our October 28th concert):

To the Ploughboy (p. 2) – This piece is in G Major so G is ‘Do.’ You will sing the “all voices” part throughout this piece. You do not sing the descant part. Practice all of the stanzas to become familiar with how the text fits with the melody. It can be helpful to speak the text in rhythm. Memorize.

An Acre of Land (p. 55) – This piece is in F Major so F is ‘Do.’ Like above, Practice all of the stanzas to become familiar with how the text fits with the melody. It can be helpful to speak the text in rhythm. Memorize.

John Barleycorn (p. 41) - B-flat is ‘Do.’ Learn full chorus part at section B. Find where this part reoccurs during this piece. Memorize.

A Sprig of Thyme (p. 31) and The Green Meadow (p. 38) – Review singing the melody of each of these on the solfege syllables we worked on during rehearsal. Practice singing the texts slowly. Carefully study how each stanza fits with the rhythm.


Memorize. Voice 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Voice 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia. Carefully study m. 54 to the end.

Sing You Now:

Memorize. Part 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Part 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Hine Ma Tov: Work out solfege syllables through the end of the piece. We are in F Major, so F is ‘Do.’

Part 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Part 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Regarding the key signatures and how the solfege syllables relate, it can be helpful to sing the scale that matches the key signature on the syllables (do, re, mi, etc.) before working on the piece. Refer to the scale sheet I handed out. Remember, music making is a process and learning music takes time. These instructions are a guide. Do the best you can! The more regularly you practice, the more rewarding our rehearsals and performances will be.

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons (All five of these will be performed on October 28th.):

To the Ploughboy (p. 2) and An Acre of Land (p. 55) – Memorize, paying close attention to text and associated rhythms. In “An Acre of Land,” check notes in the 5th measure of rehearsal

letter L.

John Barleycorn (p. 41) – relearn. B-flat is ‘Do’

A Sprig of Thyme (p. 31) – Keep learning notes on solfege. Learn how the text of each stanza relates to the rhythm. Dominique, Matilde and Molly, please learn the descant.

The Green Meadow (p. 38) – Keep learning notes on solfege. Learn how the text of each stanza relates to the rhythm.

Messe Basse:

Review Sanctus and Benedictus

Learn Kyrie – A-flat is ‘Do.’ Be sure to learn your assigned part at the end. Lily and Molly learn the middle note of the final two chords.

Learn the Agnus Dei – G is ‘Do.’ Lauren, Siara, Katherine, Kamirra – soprano 2; Molly, Lillian Matilde and Dominique – soprano 1. When there is divisi; Molly, Lillian and Kamirra sing the middle notes. This is the same assignment of parts as the Kyrie.

Simple Gifts:

Memorize. Molly and Lily sing the Soprano II notes at the bottom of p. 2

I Believe in the Sun:

Memorize. Be certain to correctly learn pitches on solfege from mm. 43 to the end.

Da Pacem:

Review you part through m. 12. Learn your part through m. 19.

S I: Dominique and Matilde

S II: Molly and Lily

AI: Kamirra and Lauren

AII: Siara and Katherine

Week of September 17, 2018

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons (We will sing all five of these pieces on our October 28th concert):

To the Ploughboy (p. 2) – This piece is in G Major so G is ‘Do.’ You will sing the “all voices” part throughout this piece. Practice all of the stanzas to become familiar with how the text fits with the melody. It can be helpful to speak the text in rhythm.

An Acre of Land (p. 55) – This piece is in F Major so F is ‘Do.’ Like above, Practice all of the stanzas to become familiar with how the text fits with the melody. It can be helpful to speak the text in rhythm.

John Barleycorn (p. 41) - B-flat is ‘Do.’ Learn full chorus part at section B. Find where this part reoccurs during this piece.

A Sprig of Thyme (p. 31) and The Green Meadow (p. 38) – Review singing the melody on the solfege syllables we worked on during rehearsal. Begin practicing speaking the texts slowly in rhythm. The eighth note, for now, will get the beat. When we are more comfortable with the music the dotted quarter will get the beat.


Work to the end of the piece. It is in D Major so D is ‘Do.’ Voice 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Voice 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Sing You Now:

We are in A Major, so A is ‘Do.’ If you are new to this music write in solfege syllables to the end of the piece. Part 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Part 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Hine Ma Tov: Work out solfege syllables through m. 35. We are in F Major, so F is ‘Do.’

Regarding the key signatures and how the solfege syllables relate, it can be helpful to sing the scale that matches the key signature on the syllables (do, re, mi, etc.) before working on the piece. Refer to the scale sheet I handed out. Remember, music making is a process and learning music takes time. These instructions are a guide. Do the best you can! The more regularly you practice, the more rewarding our rehearsals and performances will be.

Pro Arte practice instructions will remain mostly the same as last week.  Please also learn solfege for the Agnus Dei – G is Do.  The part division is the same as the Kyrie.

Treble Choir Please go over last week’s instructions and also the material we covered on Tuesday, Ms. Tiffany will be back next week.

Week of September 10, 2018

Treble Choir notes:

Part 1 - Caleb, Star, Lydia, Chris

Part 2 - Evan, Othniel, Zari

O Music - Sing through entire melody on your own. 

Traveller's Tale - Sing through the song and remember - walk lightly through the mines! Practice speaking and singing all of the words so that they come out easier. Also, when you are practicing your song, practice your diction and singing your words clearly so everyone can understand what your singing. 

Good Night - Practice measures 29-36 for YOUR PART! Think about the clapping exercise we did so that you can sing it in tempo (especially if you are a part 1). Also, practice the rest of the song. 

Do - Re - Mi - Practice middle sections (Sol - Do - La - Fa) in your part, and maintaining your "head voice", make sure you don't sing it with your chest voice throughout the whole song. Sing all the way from the beginning to when that section ends.

America the Beautiful - Speak through the text and practice the entire song on the melody

Look below for All Choirs information.

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

To the Ploughboy (p. 2) – G is ‘Do.’ Learn section B on solfege. You will sing the “all voices” part throughout this piece. Practice the melody with all of the stanzas to become familiar with how the text fits with the melody.

An Acre of Land (p. 55) – F is ‘Do.’ Learn mm. 3-12 on solfege. This is a unison piece. Work on text and rhythm for every stanza.

John Barleycorn (p. 41) - B-blat is ‘Do.’ Learn full chorus part at section B. Find where this part reoccurs during this piece.


Learn through m. 46. We will divide into parts next week. D is ‘Do.’

Sing You Now:

Learn entire piece in solfege. A is ‘Do.’ Part 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Part 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Hine Ma Tov: Learn solfege through m. 35. F is ‘Do.’

Look below for All Choirs information.

Pro Arte Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons:

To the Ploughboy (p. 2) and An Acre of Land (p. 55) – review, paying close attention to text and associated rhythms.

John Barleycorn (p. 41) – relearn. B-flat is ‘Do’

The Green Meadow (p. 38) – Learn melody on solfege up to rehearsal letter W. C is ‘Do.’

Messe Basse:

Review Sanctus and Benedictus

Learn Kyrie – A-flat is ‘Do.’ Be sure to learn your assigned part at the end. Lily and Molly learn the middle note of the final two chords.

Simple Gifts:

Review. Molly and Lily sing the Soprano II notes at the bottom of p. 2

I Believe in the Sun:

Review. Be certain to correctly learn pitches on solfege from mm. 43 to the end.

Da Pacem:

Review you part through m. 12. Learn your part through m. 19.

S I: Dominique and Matilde

S II: Molly and Lily

AI: Kamirra and Lauren

AII: Siara and Katherine

All Choirs:

This is a link to Major scales written out for each key.  In each instance, ‘Do’ aligns with the first note.  This could be helpful to our choristers who are still learning the relationship of solfege syllables to the various keys. 

Week of May 28, 2018

Treble Choir, the first two pieces of the program are in really good shape.  Please spend 20 minutes on Thursday and Friday studying the text for “It’s in My Desk.”  Parents, please test your child’s memory work.

Heaven                                                                                                                                                           Pete Curry

Text by Langston Hughes

Love is Little                                                                                                             South Union Shaker Settlement

Arr. Carol McClure

It’s in My Desk                                                                                                                             Mary Lynn Lightfoot

Treble Choir

Treble and Concert Choirs, be sure you are able to hold your own part.  Part I has difficulty with this at measure 49 on the repeated Cs.

How Can I Keep from Singing?                                                                                                          Ginger Littleton

Treble and Concert Choirs

Concert Choir, while many of you are well prepared on the following pieces, several of you are not.  Please spend 30 minutes on Thursday and Friday studying the following pieces.

May God be Merciful to Me                                                                                          Arranged by Crystal Jonkman

Everyone needs to check memory on text and have someone test them on it.  Part two singers need to review their part on section 2 in solfege.  Everyone needs to review their part on solfege for section 3.  There were many incorrect notes on Tuesday!  

Sakura                                                                                                                                           Japanese traditional

Arr. Michael Neaum

This piece also needs to have the text accurately memorized.  Like Mr. Pete said, writing it out from memory is one good way to do this.  Find a way that works for you!  Again, have someone test you on memory work.  Be sure you can sing and hold your own part accurately, especially Alto 1 (Kamirra and Molly).

The Old Carrion Crow                                                                                                  Nova Scotian Folk Song

Arranged by Mary Goetze

Secure text memory.  Also, be sure you can hold your own part at the two part sections.  Remember to use crisp consonants.

Concert Choir

Laudate Dominum                                                                                                                              Charles Gounod

Cavalieri, work on good legato phrasing.  Grow longer note values.  Think about emphasizing important syllables.


Cantare, please carefully review the Byrd, Bernstein and Schalk pieces.  We discovered some of you need to continue carefully learning your part on the “Mass for Three Voices.”  You know who you are!  Spend a lot of time finishing memorizing “Plenty Good Room.”  I will expect Meghan and Katherine to have solos carefully worked out and memorized.  Meghan takes solo 1, Katherine solo 2.

Mass for Three Voices                                                                                                                             William Byrd




               Agnus Dei

From Mass                                                                                                                                       Leonard Bernstein

               Simple Song

               Gloria Tibi

Plenty Good Room                                                                                                                       Traditional Spiritual

               Arr. Dorothy W. Smith

(Meghan Nuckols and Katherine Pierre-Louise, soloists)

Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord (from Five Chorale Motets)                                                Carl F. Schalk


Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor                                                                                                                Irving Berlin

Like “Laudate Dominum,” work on excellent legato phrasing.


All choirs, please review the following pieces. 

America the Beautiful                                              Sing-along

Lady of Liberty                                                                                                                                        Nancy Gifford

Concert choir should review parts at the end of “Lady of Liberty,” especially those singing the bottom part.  Remember to sing it lightly.

Siyahamba                                                                                                                     South African Freedom Song  

Treble and Concert choirs, practice speaking and singing the different languages.  Concert Choir, review your own part in solfege to be sure you are singing accurate pitches.                                                                                 

All Choirs

Please take advantage of any opportunity to practice over the next two days.  I am sure we all want this concert to be the best it can be! 


Mrs. Crystal

Week of May 21, 2018


Practice instructions – at least 20 minutes per day

The next few days offer the last opportunity to refine the music for the Spring Concert! Please be sure to do your part to contribute to the success of the group!

Treble and Concert:

Finish memorizing Siyahamba. Practice speaking the text several times over in rhythm to help you get used to the different languages. Voice 1 – Treble choir plus Wills, Nishorgo, Caetie; Voice 2 – Shantoya, Keziah, Marquita, Maria; Voice 3 – Kamirra, Molly, Matilde and Nora.


It’s in My Desk – Secure memory work

How Can I Keep from Singing? – Be certain you can hold melody part in the two part section. Review memory work.

Review: Heaven, Lady of Liberty, Love is Little, America the Beautiful. Check memory work.


Sakura – Secure text memorization. Work hard on holding your own part in tune. Practice coming in with the correct pitches at the beginning and at measure 39. Alto 1 – be sure you know your correct pitches beginning at measure 23.

(Soprano 1 – Caetie, Maria and Shantoya; Soprano 2 – Wills, Marquita and Nishorgo; Alto 1 – Kamirra and Molly, Alto 2 – Matilde, Keziah and Nora)

May God be Merciful – Secure text memorization. Be sure you can hold your own part. All parts should practice on solfege syllables to be certain the correct pitches are being sung. This was a bit of a problem on Tuesday evening. Voice three, be sure to sing in your lighter head voice on the lower notes. Do not force your sound.

(Voice 1 – Molly, Matilde, Nora; Voice 2 – Kamirra, Keziah, Marquita and Maria; Voice 3 – Wills, Nishorgo, Shantoya and Caetie).

The Old Carrion Crow – Review memory work. Be sure your part is accurately learned.

(Part 1 – Caetie, Shantoya, Wills, Nishorgo, Maria and Marquita; Part 2 – Molly, Nora, Kamirra, Matilde, Keziah)

Lady of Liberty – Review. Wills, Shantoya, Nishorge and Caetie need to have the bottom part learned for mm. 70 – end. Descant singers need to review the rhythm at m. 67.

How Can I Keep from Singing? – Be certain you can hold melody part in the two part section. Review memory work.

Review America the Beautiful

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

The next few days offer the last opportunity to refine the music for the Spring Concert! Please be sure to do your part to contribute to the success of the group!

Pro Arte – Memorize Shenandoah by Tuesday. Part 1 – Erica, Grace, Sharita and Dominique; Part 2 – Sophie, Siara, Faith, Part 3 – Meghan, Katherine, Lauren.

Plenty Good Room – Please have this memorized by Tuesday. Meaghan will sing the first solo and Katherine the second solo. Katherine, please use the recording that was sent last week to guide you on the improvisation. Same part division as the Schalk Chorale Motets.

Mass for Three Voices: Keep practicing this regularly in the following ways: practice counting while singing your part, singing on solfege syllables for tuning, and singing with the text while carefully thinking about pitch and rhythm. Pay special attention to memorizing the counting on rests and longer note values.

Remember to use the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Am1PQ0p39w

Remember to give slight crescendos on longer note values. Also, remember to lift on dots and repeated notes.

Simple Song – Review. Remember using open vowels and crisp consonants. Work on phrasing.

Gloria Tibi - Review. Rhythmic breaths.

Cavalieri – Laudate Dominum and Give me your Tired. Work on phrasing

Review the Schalk Motets, Draw the Circle Wide and The Storm is Passing Over, Lady of Liberty, Siyahamba and Freedom is Coming.

Week of May 14, 2018


Practice instructions – at least 20 minutes per day

Treble and Concert:

Continue learning your part on Siyahamba. Voice 1 – Treble choir plus Wills, Nishorgo, Caetie; Voice 2 – Shantoya, Keziah, Marquita, Maria; Voice 3 – Kamirra, Molly, Matilde and Nora. Memorize the text


It’s in My Desk – Secure memory work

Review: Heaven, Lady of Liberty, Love is Little, How Can I Keep From Singing?, America the Beautiful. Check memory work.


Sakura – Secure text memorization. Work hard on holding your own part in tune.

(Soprano 1 – Caetie, Maria and Shantoya; Soprano 2 – Wills, Marquita and Nishorgo; Alto 1 – Kamirra and Molly, Alto 2 – Matilde, Keziah and Nora)

May God be Merciful – Secure text memorization. Be sure you can hold your own part.

(Voice 1 – Molly, Matilde, Nora; Voice 2 – Kamirra, Keziah, Marquita and Maria; Voice 3 – Wills, Nishorgo, Shantoya and Caetie).

The Old Carrion Crow – Review memory work. Be sure your part is accurately learned.

(Part 1 – Caetie, Shantoya, Wills, Nishorgo, Maria and Marquita; Part 2 – Molly, Nora, Kamirra, Matilde, Keziah)

Lady of Liberty – Review. Wills, Shantoya, Nishorge and Caetie need to have the bottom part learned for mm. 70 – end.

Review: Lady of Liberty with middle sections, How Can I Keep From Singing?, and America the Beautiful

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Mass for Three Voices: Practice counting while singing your part, singing on solfege syllables for tuning, and singing with the text while carefully thinking about pitch and rhythm. Pay special attention to memorizing the counting on rests and longer note values. Even though this went quite well last rehearsal, please do not rest on practicing it regularly.

Remember to use the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Am1PQ0p39w

Remember to give slight crescendos on longer note values. Also, remember to lift on dots and repeated notes.

Simple Song – Review. Remember using open vowels and crisp consonants. Work on phrasing.

Gloria Tibi - Review. Rhythmic breaths.

Cavalieri – Laudate Dominum and Give me your Tired. Work on phrasing

Pro Arte – Study your part for Shenandoah. Part 1 – Erica, Grace, Sharita and Dominique; Part 2 – Sophie, Siara, Faith, Part 3 – Meghan, Katherine, Lauren.

Plenty Good Room – Learn parts on solfege and text. Same part division as the Schalk Chorale Motets. You should also listen here: https://www.giamusic.com/store/resource/plenty-good-room-print-g4252