Week of September 17, 2018

Concert Choir Practice Instructions

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons (We will sing all five of these pieces on our October 28th concert):

To the Ploughboy (p. 2) – This piece is in G Major so G is ‘Do.’ You will sing the “all voices” part throughout this piece. Practice all of the stanzas to become familiar with how the text fits with the melody. It can be helpful to speak the text in rhythm.

An Acre of Land (p. 55) – This piece is in F Major so F is ‘Do.’ Like above, Practice all of the stanzas to become familiar with how the text fits with the melody. It can be helpful to speak the text in rhythm.

John Barleycorn (p. 41) - B-flat is ‘Do.’ Learn full chorus part at section B. Find where this part reoccurs during this piece.

A Sprig of Thyme (p. 31) and The Green Meadow (p. 38) – Review singing the melody on the solfege syllables we worked on during rehearsal. Begin practicing speaking the texts slowly in rhythm. The eighth note, for now, will get the beat. When we are more comfortable with the music the dotted quarter will get the beat.


Work to the end of the piece. It is in D Major so D is ‘Do.’ Voice 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Voice 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Sing You Now:

We are in A Major, so A is ‘Do.’ If you are new to this music write in solfege syllables to the end of the piece. Part 1: Marquita, Wills and Keziah. Part 2: Maria, Chadwick and Cornelia.

Hine Ma Tov: Work out solfege syllables through m. 35. We are in F Major, so F is ‘Do.’

Regarding the key signatures and how the solfege syllables relate, it can be helpful to sing the scale that matches the key signature on the syllables (do, re, mi, etc.) before working on the piece. Refer to the scale sheet I handed out. Remember, music making is a process and learning music takes time. These instructions are a guide. Do the best you can! The more regularly you practice, the more rewarding our rehearsals and performances will be.

Pro Arte practice instructions will remain mostly the same as last week.  Please also learn solfege for the Agnus Dei – G is Do.  The part division is the same as the Kyrie.

Treble Choir Please go over last week’s instructions and also the material we covered on Tuesday, Ms. Tiffany will be back next week.