Week of February 5, 2018


Practice instructions – at least 20 minutes per day

These are the last few days before our concert.  Please put in the extra work!  A singer who doesn’t completely know their part is not able to hide behind the other singers.  That one singer will impact the success of the musical offering.  Please, give this 110% between now and Sunday.  Let’s have a great concert!


 Heaven – practice animal sounds

Lady of Liberty – practice rhythms on the last page, second ending.  Especially study where the rests are.

America the Beautiful – memorize text


For the Beauty of the Earth – study where you should breathe and NOT breathe.  Never breathe in the middle of a word.  Unless otherwise directed, do not breathe if there is no comma in the text or rest in the music. 

Song of Thanksgiving – Review your part in the two-part section on the last two pages.

How can I keep from singing – If there isn’t a comma in the text, please do not breathe.  Also, work to not breathe in the middle of words.  Review text memory, particularly the middle section, mm. 32&33.  Part two, please review your part on pp. 6&7.  Throughout the piece, be sure to crescendo on the longer note values in the middle of the musical phrases.

Hope for Resolution –Many of you do not know your text for this piece!  Read through this text each day and have another person challenge your memory work.

Lady of Liberty – review

America the Beautiful – memorize text


Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Mass for Three Voices:  Continue to work on memory.  Even if we are using our scores on this for this concert, the less reliant you are on the scores the better off you will be.  Secure notes and, especially, rhythms!  Review pronunciations with the guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Am1PQ0p39w

Winter Solstice, Mvt. II – Pro Arte – Review

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor – Cavalieri - learn

Hope for Resolution – Review second ending, p.11.  It still was insecure on Monday.  Altos, you seemed to have forgotten you part on the Thula Sizwe.  Be certain you know this very well by Sunday.

Aus tiefer Not – Cavalieri – work on singing your part in tune, particularly on the first line.

Verleih uns Frieden – Cavalieri – review pronunciations

Out of the Depths and Grant Peace – Cantare – review

America the Beautiful – be sure your parts are memorized.

Continue reviewing:  God of Still Waiting - text, Freedom is Coming, The Storm is Passing, Draw the Circle – rhythmic energy, Lady of Liberty

Week of January 29, 2018

All choirs- Please review your parts for musical details and for memorization for the following program. Remember Monday and Tuesday's rehearsals this week are mandatory in preparation for the concert. (And Concert Choir please remember you will also be attending Monday night's rehearsal staying from 6:20-7:15.) Thank you!

Note to Cantare to please spend extra time on the Mass, especially sopranos. 

February 11, 2018 Greater Richmond Children’s Choir Concert at Bon Air Presbyterian Church


How Can I Keep from Singing?                              Quaker Song, arr. Ginger Littleton

For the Beauty of the Earth                                                                          Kenton Coe

Song of Thanksgiving                                                                            Malcolm Archer

Concert Choir

Heaven                                                    Poem: Langston Hughes, Music: Pete Curry

Treble Choir

Winter Solstice, 2. “These nights pass slowly”                                                               Paul Carey

Pro Arte Choir

God of Still Waiting                                                                                                     Alfred V. Fedak

Mass for Three Voices                                                                                                           William Byrd



Five Choral Motets                                                                                                                                Carl Shalk

     “From depths of woe I cry to Thee”

     “Grant peace, we, pray, in mercy, Lord” 

Freedom is Coming                                             South African Song, arr. Henry Leck

The Storm is Passing Over                                    Charles A. Tindley, arr. Barbara Baker

(Sharita Shamin and Katherine Pierre-Louis, soloists)

Draw the Circle Wide                                                                                 Mark A. Miller

(Erica Axtell and Owen Peck, soloists)

Cantare Choir

Give me Your Tired, Your Poor (from the stage production Miss Liberty      I. Berlin

(Shaandro Sarkar, soloist)

Cavalieri Choir

Hope for Resolution (A Song for Mandela and de Klerk)arr. P. Caldwell & S. Ivory

(Tiffany Cook, djembe; Donovan Williams, violin)

Cantare and Concert Choirs

Lady of Liberty                                                                                           Nancy Gifford

All Choirs

America the Beautiful                                              Materna, Samuel Augustus Ward


Week of January 22, 2018

Please read the attendance note to all choirs at the bottom of this post. Thank you!


Practice instructions – at least 20 minutes per day

We have two rehearsals remaining before our next concert.  Please be certain all of the music listed here is thoroughly learned and memorized!  Thanks!


Heaven – work on solfege, memorize text.

Lady of Liberty – practice and memorize mm. 5-29 and mm. 47-end.  At the end, learn the bottom notes (stems down) on the top line of music.



For the Beauty of the Earth – Practice counting the end of each phrase.  Pay particular attention to the rhythm and ending note for mm. 15-19 (ends on ‘mi’) and mm.33-36 (ends on ‘do’).  Practice small crescendos on longer note values.  Practice breathing only where there is a rest in the music, nowhere else.  Memorize.

Song of Thanksgiving – review and check memory.  Wills and Matilde, work with solfege to learn this. This piece is mainly in D Major - D is ‘do’.  The middle section is in F – F is ‘do’.

How can I keep from singing – If there isn’t a comma in the text, please do not breathe.  Also, work to not breathe in the middle of words (this goes for all or our music).  Review memory work.

Hope for Resolution – memorize text for mm. 10-29 and sections A and B.  At rehearsal E and F, study how the rhythm of the melody is different from rehearsal A and B.  Practice holding the last note of each phrase its full value.  Memorize.

Lady of Liberty – review mm. 5-29 and mm. 47-end.  Check memory.


Pro Arte/Cavalieri

There are only two remaining rehearsals before our next performance!

***PRIORITY*** Mass for Three Voices:  Memorize Kyrie and Gloria.  Practice counting the inner rhythms while working on your part.  Review pronunciations with the guide.

Winter Solstice, Mvt. II – Pro Arte – Review

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor – Cavalieri - learn

Hope for Resolution – Review second ending, p.11.  Continue working on being exact on the various dotted rhythms.

Aus tiefer Not – Cavalieri – work on singing your part in tune.

Verleih uns Frieden – Cavalieri – review pronunciations

Out of the Depths and Grant Peace – Cantare - review

Continue reviewing:  God of Still Waiting, Freedom is Coming, The Storm is Passing, Draw the Circle, Lady of Liberty


Attendance details for all choirs from the handbook:

Members are expected to attend all rehearsals, arriving and departing according to the rehearsal schedule for his/her choir. Constant tardiness or early departures are not acceptable.

•     Concerts are mandatory. In the rare instance when a student must miss a performance, for reasons other than because of illness, permission must have been granted for the absence well in advance of the performance, as soon as the conflict has arisen and has been determined to be unavoidable.

         Mandatory Rehearsals – These are clearly indicated on the detailed schedule and generally are scheduled immediately preceding a concert. If a chorister does not attend a mandatory rehearsal he/she may not be allowed to perform at the concert. Emergency absences should be reported to the Choir Conductor AS WELL AS the Executive Director.

•     Two excused rehearsal absences will be allowed per semester. Absences must be preceded by a request in writing or e-mail to the Conductor and Executive Director prior to the date to be missed. Emergency absences should be called into the Choir Director or Executive Director as soon as possible.

•     Homework or studying for exams is not an excusable absence. Please plan responsibly for academics.

•     On occasion, we receive invitations to perform after the calendar has been set. In such cases, we ask that you notify us of your availability as soon as possible so that a decision to confirm the performance can be made promptly. In this case, prior game and performance commitments to other groups are excused and do not count toward the two excused GRCC absences per semester.

•             In the event of snow or ice, any cancellation of choir rehearsal will follow the cancellation announcements of the VCU evening classes.

Week of January 15, 2018

Additional note to all choirs: Please make every effort to arrive on time for rehearsals and performances. The directors begin rehearsing at the start time and it is distracting when students come in late. The students are also missing important instructions if they don't arrive in time for the start of the rehearsal. Thank you!


Practice instructions – at least 20 minutes per day


               Heaven – work on solfege, memorize text.


For the Beauty of the Earth – Practice counting the end of each phrase.  Pay particular attention to the rhythm and ending note for mm. 15-19 (ends on ‘mi’) and mm.33-36 (ends on ‘do’).  Practice small crescendos on longer note values.  Practice breathing only where there is a rest in the music, nowhere else.  Memorize.

Song of Thanksgiving – review and check memory.  Wills and Matilde, work with solfege to learn this.  D is ‘do’.  The middle section is in F – F is ‘do’.

How can I keep from singing – If there isn’t a comma in the text, please do not breathe.  Also, work to not breathe in the middle of words (this goes for all or our music).  Kamirra, Molly, Matilde and Nora should carefully learn/ review part two on pp. 6&7.  When there are small notes, please learn those.  Review memory work.

Hope for Resolution – memorize text for mm. 10-29 and sections A and B.  At rehearsal E and F, study how the rhythm of the melody is different from rehearsal A and B.  Practice holding the last note of each phrase its full value.  Memorize.

Lady of Liberty – review mm. 5-29 and mm. 47-end.  Check memory.

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Winter Solstice, Mvt. II – Pro Arte – Review

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor – Cavalieri - learn

Hope for Resolution – Review second ending, p.11.  Continue working on being exact on the various dotted rhythms.

Aus tiefer Not – Cavalieri – work on singing your part in tune.

Verleih uns Frieden – Cavalieri – review pronunciations

Out of the Depths and Grant Peace – Cantare - review

Mass for Three Voices:  work on Kyrie, Gloria and Sanctus/Benedictus.  Solfege and text.  Practice counting the inner rhythms while working on your part.  Review pronunciations with the guide that was handed out Monday evening. And refer to translations here: http://www.kitbraz.com/tchr/hist/med/mass_ordinary_text.html

Continue reviewing:  God of Still Waiting, Freedom is Coming, The Storm is Passing, Draw the Circle, Lady of Liberty

Week of November 27, 2017

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Continue working on:

We wish you a Joyful Holiday. Memorize.

Winter Solstice, Mvt. II – Pro Arte – Please have this completely learned and memorized by next week.  Pay special attention to counting at the end of phrases and Dynamics.

’Twas in the Moon of Wintertime.  Memorize

He Came Down That We May Have Love – memorize

Festival of Holidays Sing-along music.

Review:  Lady of Liberty, Freedom is Coming and sing-along music.  Sopranos, work on Joy to the World descant.


Concert and Advanced Treble Choristers (Renna and Sadie):


Hanukkah Nagilah: Practice rhythm – especially the difference between quarter and half rests.  Memorize.  Part two (bottom part for whole piece):  Nishorgo, Renna, Sadie, Molly, Kamirra

Part one (top part for whole piece):  Shantoya, Katie, Keziah, Marquita, Maria and Nora


Choristers were supposed to be working on this the last several weeks with the above recording, which was supplied at least two weeks ago.  Please remember the responsibility to learn music at home.

After the above:

How can I keep from singing –  Kamirra, Molly and Nora should keep working on part two on pp. 6&7 – practice opening your mouth more to let your beautiful voices out!  Review where to breathe and not breathe.  Remember to watch the conductor.

Lady of Liberty – mm. 5-18, mm. 47-end (bottom part), mm. 70 – end (stems down notes on top part.) Memorize.

‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime – memorize refrain

Review sing-along music.

Week of November 13, 2017


Practice instructions – at least 20 minutes per day. Remember that every folder should have a practice instruction sheet.  There are many ways to practice your music, even if you do not play the piano or have someone in your household that does.  You could count the rhythms, practice and memorize the text, etc.  If you do not have this instruction sheet, ask for one at the next rehearsal.



Please have the following completely memorized by our performance next week (this was to have been done for the last rehearsal).  I have listed the music in the order of what needs most practice:

*Thanksgiving Song (Purifoy)–  Look for where the melody switches lines: m. 14, m. 18, at m. 30 learn top notes, m. 53 melody on bottom, m. 55 melody moves to top, m. 65 learn top notes, m. 73 move to bottom, m. 76 top notes to end.

*For the Beauty of the Earth – Practice counting the end of each phrase.

*Song of Thanksgiving - Kamirra, Molly and Nora should learn upper notes at the end all others stay on the lower notes.  Practice counting the end of each phrase.  Practice keeping to your own part on the last two pages.

 *Mattaponi Song of Gratitude

*These are to be performed on November 21st!

Review Thanksgiving service music that was handed out at the last rehearsal.

Molly and Nishorgo, be sure to practice the Psalm solo parts each day this week.

Concert and Treble (This music needs to be ready by December 10th):

How can I keep from singing –  Kamirra, Molly and Nora should finish learning part two on pp. 6&7.  When there are small notes, please learn those.  Memorize.

Lady of Liberty – mm. 5-18, mm. 47-end (bottom part), mm. 70 – end (stems down notes on top part.) Memorize.

Hope for Resolution – memorize text for sections A and B – melody is the same as the beginning section.  At rehearsal E and F, study how the rhythm of the melody is different from rehearsal A and B.

Hanukkuh Nagilah – work out solfege to end of piece.  Concert Choir, please learn part 1 (Hebrew text).  Treble choir continues on bottom part to the end.  Listen here:


Suggestion for adults regarding helping choristers with memory work:  It can be helpful for someone to read part of the text and have the chorister fill in missing words.  Also, have the chorister sing their music for you.  To the extent you read music, do your best to help with pitches and rhythm.


Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Continue working on:

Hope for Resolution– keep working on your part on Thula Sizwe from rehearsal C to the end.  Memory work on entire piece.

We wish you a Joyful Holiday. Memorize

African Noel (*Cavalieri) – Shaandro and Brock on part 1, Owen and Pete on part 2.  Memorize

                Katherine will need to learn part 1.  Please get music at next rehearsal.

Winter Solstice, Mvt. II – Pro Arte – Each of you will stay on the same part for this.  Work on memorizing.

’Twas in the Moon of Wintertime.  Memorize

Festival of Holidays Sing-along music.

Week of November 6, 2017


Practice instructions – at least 20 minutes per day

Remember that every folder should have a practice instruction sheet.  There are many ways to practice your music, even if you do not play the piano or have someone in your household that does.  You could count the rhythms, practice and memorize the text, etc.  If you do not have this instruction sheet, ask for one at the next rehearsal.


Please have the following completely memorized by next week:

*For the Beauty of the Earth – Practice counting the end of each phrase.

*Song of Thanksgiving - Kamirra, Molly and Nora should learn upper notes at the end all others stay on the lower notes.  Practice counting the end of each phrase.  Practice keeping to your own part on the last two pages.

*Mattaponi Song of Gratitude

*Thanksgiving Song (Purifoy)–  Look for where the melody switches lines: m. 14, m. 18, at m. 30 learn top notes, m. 53 melody on bottom, m. 55 melody moves to top, m. 65 learn top notes, m. 73 move to bottom, m. 76 top notes to end.

*These are to be performed on November 21st!  Please do not wait until the last minute for memory work.  Like all good study habits,  a little every day goes further than last minute craming.

Review Thanksgiving service music that was handed out at the last rehearsal.  We will hear soloists for the Psalm this coming Monday.


Concert and Treble:

How can I keep from singing –  Kamirra, Molly and Nora should finish learning part two on pp. 6&7.  When there are small notes, please learn those.  Memorize.

Lady of Liberty – mm. 5-18, mm. 47-end (bottom part), mm. 70 – end (stems down notes on top part.) Memorize.

Hope for Resolution – memorize text for sections A and B – melody is the same as the beginning section.  At rehearsal E and F, study how the rhythm of the melody is different from rehearsal A and B.

Hanukkuh Nagilah – work out solfege to end of piece.  Concert Choir, please learn part 1 (Hebrew text).  Treble choir continues on bottom part to the end.  Listen here:


Suggestion for adults regarding helping choristers with memory work:  It can be helpful for someone to read part of the text and have the chorister fill in missing words.  Also, have the chorister sing their music for you.  To the extent you read music, do your best to help with pitches and rhythm.

Practice instructions

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Service Music for November 12 – review –work particularly on the Gloria and the Psalm chanting. 

Repertoire for November 12

                Verleih uns Frieden genädiglich

Grant Peace, We Pray – work on singing in tune, altos especially – practice your lines unaccompanied and check your pitch occasionally.

                Freedom is Coming – Grace and Domique, be certain of your part

                The Storm is Passing Over – confidence and tuning on improvised solos

                God of Still Waiting - diction

                Draw the Circle Wide


Continue working on:

Hope for Resolution– keep working on your part on Thula Sizwe from rehearsal C to the end.  Memory work on entire piece.

We wish you a Joyful Holiday

African Noel (*Cavalieri) – Shaandro and Brock on part 1, Owen and Pete on part 2

Winter Solstice, Mvt. II – Pro Arte – Each of you will stay on the same part for this.

’Twas in the Moon of Wintertime

Week of October 23, 2017

Practice instructions

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Service Music for October 29 – review – sopranos continue practicing descants – There were some counting issues on The Church’s One Foundation and Azmon that need to be corrected by Sunday! 

Five Choral Motets (also for October 29)– please have Out of the Depths (particularly, the end) and Grant Peace completely memorized – know exact rhythmic durations, particularly at end of phrases.  Memorize breath markings.  Be certain each of you know/memorize the exact counting/rhythm at the end of both of these pieces.

Cavalieri should carefully work on the tuning of your part on Aus tiefer Not chorale (also for October 29), particularly between the bass and alto lines.   Practice German pronunciation.  Memorize.   Please work to memorize the Verleih und Frieden chant. 

Hope for Resolution – keep working on your part on Thula Sizwe from rehearsal C to the end.  Begin Memorizing.

Begin reviewing/working on:

“We wish you a Joyful Holiday”

“African Noel” (*Cavalieri) – Shaandro and Brock on part 1, Owen and Pete on part 2

“Winter Solstice” Mvt. II – Pro Arte – Each of you will stay on the same part for this. http://www.paulcarey.net/Music/Winter_Solstice.htm


*This is a good time to invite boys with changed voices who are experienced singers to join us.



Practice instructions – 20 minutes per day

Remember that every folder should have a practice instruction sheet.  There are many ways to practice your music, even if you do not play the piano or have someone in your household that does.  You could count the rhythms, practice and memorize the text, etc.  If you do not have this instruction sheet, ask for one at the next rehearsal.


*For the Beauty of the Earth –  Memorize – there will be memory tests next week.  Practice counting the end of each phrase.

*Song of Thanksgiving - Kamirra, Molly and Nora should learn upper notes at the end all others stay on the lower notes.  Memorize – there will be memory tests next week.  Practice counting the end of each phrase.

*Mattaponi Song of Gratitude – memorize

*Thanksgiving Song (Purifoy)–  Look for where the melody switches lines: m. 14, m. 18, at m. 30 learn top notes, m. 53 melody on bottom, m. 55 melody moves to top, m. 65 learn top notes, m. 73 move to bottom, m. 76 top notes to end.  Memorize

*These are to be performed on November 21st!  Please do not wait until the last minute for memory work.  Like all good study habits,  a little every day goes further than last minute craming.


Concert and Treble:

How can I keep from singing –  Kamirra, Molly and Nora should finish learning part two on pp. 6&7.  When there are small notes, please learn those.  Memorize.

Lady of Liberty – mm. 5-18, mm. 47-end (bottom part), mm. 70 – end (stems down notes on top part.) Memorize.

Hope for Resolution – memorize text for sections A and B – melody is the same as the beginning section.  At rehearsal E and F, study how the rhythm of the melody is different from rehearsal A and B.


Suggestion for adults regarding helping choristers with memory work:  It can be helpful for someone to read part of the text and have the chorister fill in missing words.  Also, have the chorister sing their music for you.  To the extent you read music, do your best to help with pitches and rhythm.