Week of October 16, 2017


Practice instructions – 20 minutes per day

Remember that every folder should have a practice instruction sheet.  There are many ways to practice your music, even if you do not play the piano or have someone in your household that does.  You could count the rhythms, practice and memorize the text, etc.  If you do not have this instruction sheet, ask for one at the next rehearsal.


For the Beauty of the Earth –  Memorize – there will be memory tests next week.  Practice counting the end of each phrase.

Song of Thanksgiving – Work out solfege to end - Kamirra, Molly and Nora should learn upper notes at the end all others stay on the lower notes.  Memorize – there will be memory tests next week.  Practice counting the end of each phrase.

                Mattaponi Song of Gratitude - review

Thanksgiving Song (Purifoy)–  Look for where the melody switches lines: m. 14, m. 18, at m. 30 learn top notes, m. 53 melody on bottom, m. 55 melody moves to top, m. 65 learn top notes, m. 73 move to bottom, m. 76 top notes to end. 

Concert and Treble:

Heaven – memorize

How can I keep from singing –  Kamirra, Molly and Nora should finish learning part two on pp. 6&7.  When there are small notes, please learn those.  Memorize.

Lady of Liberty – mm. 5-18, mm. 47-end (bottom part), mm. 70 – end (stems down notes on top part.) Memorize.

                Hope for Resolution – study text for sections A&B – melody is the same as the beginning section.

Suggestion regarding memory work:  Much of the various texts have already been memorized through repetition in rehearsal.  It can be helpful for someone to read part of the text and have the chorister fill in missing words.  Make it a game!


Practice instructions

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Service Music for October 29 – review – sopranos continue practicing descants.

Five Choral Motets (also for October 29)– please have Out of the Depths (particularly, the end) and Grant Peace completely memorized – know exact rhythmic durations, particularly at end of phrases. Memorize breath markings. Be certain each of you know/memorize the exact counting/rhythm at the end of both of these pieces.

Cavalieri should carefully work on the tuning of your part on Aus tiefer Not chorale (also for October 29). Practice German pronunciation. Memorize. Please work to memorize the Verleih und Frieden chant.

Hope for Resolution – keep working on your part on Thula Sizwe from rehearsal C to the end.

Cavalieri please arrive at 6:00 if possible on the 23rd to work on Aus tiefer Not. Thanks!

Week of October 2, 2017

Remember that every folder should have a practice instruction sheet.  There are many ways to practice your music, even if you do not play the piano or have someone in your household that does.  If you do not have this instruction sheet, ask for one at the next rehearsal.



For the Beauty of the Earth – continue practicing with solfege, then text.  Memorize

Song of Thanksgiving – Work out solfege to end - Kamirra, Molly and Nora should learn upper notes at the end all others stay on the lower notes.

 Mattaponi Song of Gratitude – memorize

Thanksgiving Song (Purifoy)– write in solfege for part one.  Look for where the melody switches lines:m. 14, m. 18, at m. 30 learn top notes, m. 53 melody on bottom, m. 55 melody moves to top, m. 65 learn top notes, m. 73 move to bottom, m. 76 top notes to end.

Concert and Treble:

Heaven – memorize

How can I keep from singing – Keep practicing on solfege, then text.   Kamirra, Molly and Nora should learn part two on pp. 6&7.  When there are small notes, please learn those.

Lady of Liberty – mm. 5-18, mm. 47-end (bottom part), mm. 70 – end (stems down notes on top part.)

Hope for Resolution – memorize mm. 10-29

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Service Music for October 29 – review – sopranos continue practicing descants.  Everyone will practice this together on Monday.

Five Choral Motets (also for October 29)– please have Out of the Depths (particularly, the end) and Grant Peace completely memorized – know exact rhythmic durations, particularly at end of phrases.  Memorize breath markings.

Finish memorizing God of Still Waiting.

Cavalieri should complete learning parts on Aus tiefer Not chorale (also for October 29).  Practice German pronunciation.  Memorize. 

Hope for Resolution – keep working on your part on Thula Sizwe from rehearsal C to the end.


Week of September 25, 2017

Practice instructions

Remember that every folder should have a practice instruction sheet.  There are many ways to practice your music, even if you do not play the piano or have someone in your household that does.  If you do not have this instruction sheet, ask for one at the next rehearsal.



For the Beauty of the Earth – work out solfege for entire piece.

Song of Thanksgiving – Work out solfege to end - Kamirra, Molly and Nora should learn upper notes at the end all others stay on the lower notes.

                Thanksgiving Song -

                Mattaponi Song of Gratitude – memorize

                Song of Thanksgiving – write in solfege for part one.  Look for where the melody switches lines:

m. 14, m. 18, at m. 30 learn top notes, m. 53 melody on bottom, m. 55 melody moves to top, m. 65 learn top notes, m. 73 move to bottom, m. 76 top notes to end.


Treble and Concert:

Heaven – memorize

How can I keep from singing – Solfege for the entire piece.  Kamirra, Molly and Nora should learn part two on pp. 6&7.  When there are small notes, please learn those.

                Lady of Liberty – memorize

                Hope for Resolution – begin memorizing text for mm. 10-29


Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Section changes:  Sharita will be permanently in the soprano section.  Matilda will be permanently in the alto/voice 2 section.  Please learn new parts by Monday.


Service Music for October 29 – review – sopranos learn descants in solfege.

Five Choral Motets (also for October 29)– please have Out of the Depths and Grant Peace completely memorized – know exact rhythmic durations, particularly at end of phrases.

Hope for Resolution – learn parts in solfege for section C.

Finish memorizing God of Still Waiting.

Cavalieri should complete learning parts on Aus tiefer Not chorale (also for October 29).  Practice pronunciation with the guide that was given to you two rehearsals ago.

Week of September 11, 2017

Welcome and welcome back everyone!

Practice instructions for Concert/Treble


For the Beauty of the Earth – practice through measure 19 in solfege

Song of Thanksgiving – practice through m. 22 in solfege


Heaven – memorize

Concert and Treble:

                How can I keep from singing – practice solfege through bottom of p. 5

                Lady of Liberty – memorize

                Hope for Resolution – practice mm. 10-29 in solfege


Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Section changes:  Sharita will be permanently in the soprano section.  Matilde will be permanently in the alto/voice 2 section.  Please learn new parts by Monday.

Service Music for October 29 – review – sopranos learn descants in solfege.

Five Choral Motets – please have Out of the Depths and Grant Peace memorized by Monday.

Freedom is Coming – please review and memorize the order in which the sections will be sung and the corresponding dynamics:

First Section – twice – first time sopranos, second time all - forte

                Second Section – twice - forte

                Third Section – twice - mp

                Second Section – twice - p

                First Section – twice - f

Last Section – twice – first time mf, second time crescendo ending with fermatas on final three chords.

Hope for Resolution – learn parts in solfege for section C.

Review and begin memorizing – The Storm is Passing Over and God of Still Waiting

Week of May 1, 2017


For May rehearsals in preparation for June performances

 (Go to http://www.grcchoir.org/news for info on discounts for enrolling by May 15)

Thank you to the Concert & Treble Choirs for your terrific performances at the Library on April 29 and to the Treble Choir at Sitter & Barfoot on May 2! Singers and readers alike were well prepared and really made the music come alive to appreciative audiences in both places!


Repertoire for All Choirs for Spring Concert


Sat. June 3, 2017 4:00 p.m. GRCC 20th Anniversary Spring Concert, Grace & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church , 8 N. Laurel St. RVA 23220  - All GRCC Choirs56 minutes of music

Amazing Grace 2 min.                                                                                        arr. Francisco J. Núñez

Twenty-third Psalm - An Interpretation 1 min                                                             Frances Waterman

Simple Gifts 1 min.                                                                                                  arr. Aaron Copland

Songs for Joanna, words by John o' the North                                                               Havelock Nelson

      A Windy Story 1:30 min.

      Little Betty Bland 1 min

                                                               Treble Choir 7 min


Sing in the Sunshine (with "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah") 2min                                       Linda Steen Spevacek

                                                     Treble & Concert Choirs 2 min


Et exultavit 2:30                                                                                                                        Vivaldi

Two Singing Songs                                                                                                            Bob Chilcott

      Sing you now, text Thomas Ravenscroft 2 min

      The singing of birds, from The Song of Solomon 2 min

Gavotte, from Solfege Suite #2 3 min                                                                                       Ken Berg

If I Had a Hammer 2:30 min                                                  Lee Hays/Pete Seeger, arr. Norman Leyden

                                                             Concert Choir 12 min


Wie will ich mich freuen 6min                                                          Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1759)

Edelweiss (Sound of Music) 2 min                                                           Richard Rogers (b. 1902-1979)

Camino Caminante 3 min                                                                      Stephen Hatfield (b. 1902-1979)

                                                             Pro Arte Choir11 min


Beatus vir 1 min                                                                                                           Orlandus Lassus

Zelenaj se, zelenaj 3 min                                                                                               Antonin Dvorák

A Tree Toad 1 min.                                                                                          Ruth Watson Henderson

                                                             Cavalieri Choir 5 min


More Love 1 min.                                                                                  Anonymous Shaker Tune, 1876

Praise Ye the Lord, Ye Children 1:30min                                                      Christopher Tye (d. ? 1580)

Precious Lord, Take My Hand, 3:30 text Joyce Merman          Thomas Dorsey (1899-1993) arr. Ringwald

The Storm Is Passing Over 3:30 min.                                 Charles Albert Tindley, arr. Barbara W. Baker

                                                             Cantare Choir 11 min


Cherokee Morning Song 2 min                                                                              Traditional Cherokee

Mattaponi Song of Gratitude 2 min                                                                             Sharon Sun Eagle

                                                   Concert and Cantare Choirs 4 min


Siyahamba 4 min.                                                                                      South African Freedom Song

                                                       All Choirs and Alumni 4 min



Concert Choir in preparation for May rehearsals leading up to June 3rd performance:

Memorize: Sing in the Sunshine, Sing You Now, Singing of Birds, If I Had a Hammer

Keep in memory: Gavotte, Cherokee Song, Mattaponi Song of Gratitude, Et exultavit, Siyahamba


Treble Choir in preparation for May rehearsals leading up to June 3rd performance

Solidify memory:

Sing in the Sunshine, Simple Gifts, A Windy Story, Little Betty Bland, Amazing Grace, 23rd Psalm

Learn and memorize Siyahamba in parts -

Top: Shanna, Maria; Middle: Keziah, Renna, Nora; Bottom: Olivia, Marquita


Repertoire for Cantare Choir AGO June 25 Performance

Sun. June 25, 2017 - 2:00 p.m.  Concert by invitation of the American Guild of Organists Mid-Atlantic Convention, Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 800 S. Cathedral Place, RVA 23220 - Cantare Choir - 59 minutes of music


Kyrie eleison 4:30 min                                                                                                                                                   Owen Peck

Mi Chamocha 3:30                                                                                                                       Allan Blank (1925-2013)

Magnificat 12 min.                                                                                                     Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-1736)

                                                                                   Cantare Choir 20 min


Adam lay ybounden 2:30                                                                                                          Martha Jones Burford (b. 1964)

Wie will ich mich freuen 6 min.                                                                                                              Johann Sebastian Bach

Let It Shine! 3 min.                                                                                                             Traditional Spiritual, arr. Don Besig

Edelweiss 2 min                                                                                                                                                       Richard Rogers

Camino Caminante 3 min                                                                                                                                    Stephen Hatfield

                                                                                   Pro Arte Choir 17 min


Beatus vir 1 min                                                                                                                                                     Orlandus Lassus

Lína Avatárá 4min                                                                                                   Indic Carol, arr. Gil Robbins (1931-2011)

Zelenaj se, zelenaj 3 min                                                                                                                                      Antonin Dvorák

A Tree Toad 1 min.                                                                                                                                 Ruth Watson Henderson


                                                                                   Cavalieri Choir 9 min


Praise Ye the Lord, Ye Children 1:30min                                                                                    Christopher Tye (d. ? 1580)

More Love 1 min.                                                                                                                       Anonymous Shaker Tune, 1876

Kekeli Tso Kekeli Me 1:30 min.                                                                                                       T. W. Kwami (1916-1987)

Mattaponi Song of Gratitude 2 min                                                                                                                  Sharon Sun Eagle

Precious Lord, Take My Hand, 3:30 text Joyce Merman                               Thomas Dorsey (1899-1993) arr. Ringwald

The Storm Is Passing Over 3:30 min.                                                           Charles Albert Tindley, arr. Barbara W. Baker

                                                                                   Cantare Choir 13 min



Memorize by May 8 rehearsal: Praise Ye the Lord Ye Children, More Love

Learn in the 3 part division: The Storm Is Passing Over. We are still looking for a couple of ad lib singers.

Keep in memory: Cherokee Morning Song, Mattaponi Song of Gratitude, Siyahamba, Precious Lord (still looking for ad lib singer) Peck Kyrie, entire Pergolesi Magnificat, Mi Chamocha, Kekeli



New music to be memorized by May 8 Rehearsal: Beatus vir - Lassus, A Tree Toad, Zelenaj se, zelenaj - Dvorak

Learn percussion parts for Camino Caminante to accompany Pro Arte singers

Keep in memory: Lina Avatara



New music to be memorized by May 8 rehearsal: Bach Wie will ich mich freuen, Edelweiss

Memorize by May 15 rehearsal: Camino Caminante

Keep in memory: Adam lay ybounden, Let It Shine

Week of April 3, 2017

For April rehearsals in preparation for April-June performances

Remember there are no rehearsals on April 10th and 11th due to public school break.

Thank you to the Treble Choir for your lovely singing at Westover Hills Methodist Church on March 26th. Your good diction, expressive musicianship and attentive participation in the service was much appreciated by all.


Repertoire for next Treble and Concert Choir Performance

Sat. April 29, 2:00 p.m.  Lyrics, Laughter & Learning!  Richmond Public Library Gellman Room Concert, 101 E. Franklin St. 23219 - Concert& Treble Choirs 46 min of music


Hey, Hello, Bonjour, Guten Tag 1 min.                                                                        Jutta Gorschlüter

Let's Say Hello 4 min.                                                                                                      L. Maierhofer

Sing in the Sunshine (with "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah") 2min                                       Linda Steen Spevacek

                                                     Treble & Concert Choirs 7 min

Amazing Grace 2 min.                                                                                        arr. Francisco J. Núñez

Twenty-third Psalm - An Interpretation 1 min                                                             Frances Waterman

Simple Gifts 1 min.                                                                                                  arr. Aaron Copland

Songs for Joanna, words by John o' the North                                                               Havelock Nelson

      A Windy Story 1:30 min.

      Little Betty Bland 1 min

                                                               Treble Choir 7 min

Kekeli Tso Kekeli Me 1:30 min.                                                                     T. W. Kwami (1916-1987)

Siyahamba 4 min.                                                                                      South African Freedom Song

Peta, kupa jen, dwaj, tśi 1 min.                                                                                   Sorbian Folksong

The No Laugh Race 10 min                                                           Dr. Seuss, pno score Eugene Poddany

                                                    Treble & Concert Choirs 16 min

Et exultavit 2:30                                                                                                                        Vivaldi

Sing you now, text Thomas Ravenscroft 2 min                                                                    Bob Chilcott

Gavotte, from Solfege Suite #2 3 min                                                                                                                   Ken Berg

Cherokee Morning Song 2 min                                                                              Traditional Cherokee

Mattaponi Song of Gratitude 2 min                                                                             Sharon Sun Eagle

                                                             Concert Choir 11 min

America the Beautiful 2 min.                                                                              Samuel Augustus Ward

                                                        Audience Sing-along 2 min.

I Hear America Singing 3 min.                                                                                                                André J. Thomas.

                                                     Treble & Concert Choirs 3 min



Concert Choir in preparation for April 17 rehearsal and April 29 performance

Memorize Sing in the Sunshine, Sing You Now

Keep in memory: Gavotte, I Hear America Singing, No Laugh Race, Peta Kupa, Cherokee Morning Song, Mattaponi Song of Gratitude, Vivaldi Et exultavit, Siyahamba, Kekeli, Hello Songs

Learn for June 3rd concert: Singing of Birds - Chilcott, If I Had a Hammer


Treble Choir in preparation for April 18 rehearsal and April 29 performance

Memorize Sing in the Sunshine - Part 1 Nora, Olivia, Marquita; Part 2 Shanna, Maria, Keziah, Renna

Learn in solfege and with words: Simple Gifts (A-flat is "DO") & Little Betty Bland (F is "DO")

Learn Siyahamba in parts - Top: Shanna, Maria; Middle: Keziah, Renna, Nora; Bottom: Olivia, Marquita

Keep in memory: Hello Songs, Amazing Grace, I Hear America Singing, 23rd Psalm, A Windy Story, No Laugh Race, Peta Kupa, Kekeli, America the Beautiful

Repertoire for May 2nd and June 3 concerts will be taken from above.



Repertoire for Cantare Choir April and June Performances


Saturday April 22, 12:00 p.m., National Anthem - Atlee Little League 50th Anniversary Season Opening Ceremony, 8324 Whippoorwill Rd., Mechanicsville 23116 - Cantare

4 part National Anthem


Sun. June 25, 2017 - 2:00 p.m.  Concert by invitation of the American Guild of Organists Mid-Atlantic Convention, Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 800 S. Cathedral Place, RVA 23220 - Cantare Choir - 59 minutes of music


Kyrie eleison 4:30 min                                                                                                                        Owen Peck

Mi Chamocha 3:30                                                                                          Allan Blank (1925-2013)

Magnificat 12 min.                                                                                          Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-1736)

                                                             Cantare Choir 20 min


Adam lay ybounden 2:30                                                                        Martha Jones Burford (b. 1964)

Wie will ich mich freuen 6 min.                                                                           Johann Sebastian Bach

Let It Shine! 3 min.                                                                          Traditional Spiritual, arr. Don Besig

Edelweiss 2 min                                                                                                            Richard Rogers

Camino Caminante 3 min                                                                                             Stephen Hatfield

                                                            Pro Arte Choir 17 min


Beatus vir 1 min                                                                                                           Orlandus Lassus

Lína Avatárá 4min                                                                                        Indic Carol, arr. Gil Robbins (1931-2011)

Zelenaj se, zelenaj 3 min                                                                                               Antonin Dvorák

A Tree Toad 1 min.                                                                                          Ruth Watson Henderson


                                                             Cavalieri Choir 9 min


Praise Ye the Lord, Ye Children 1:30min                                                      Christopher Tye (d. ? 1580)

More Love 1 min.                                                                                  Anonymous Shaker Tune, 1876

Kekeli Tso Kekeli Me 1:30 min.                                                                     T. W. Kwami (1916-1987)

Mattaponi Song of Gratitude 2 min                                                                             Sharon Sun Eagle

Precious Lord, Take My Hand, 3:30 text Joyce Merman          Thomas Dorsey (1899-1993) arr. Ringwald

The Storm Is Passing Over 3:30 min.                                 Charles Albert Tindley, arr. Barbara W. Baker

                                                             Cantare Choir 13 min


Music for June 3 concert will be the new music listed above, and should be memorized by May 8 rehearsal.



Memorize Four- part National Anthem for April 17 rehearsal and April 22 performance.

Learn parts and memorize for June performances: Praise Ye the Lord Ye Children, More Love

Learn in the 3-part division: The Storm Is Passing Over. We are still looking for a couple of ad lib singers.

Keep in memory: Cherokee Morning Song, Mattaponi Song of Gratitude, Siyahamba, Preious Lord, Hello Songs, entire Pergolesi Magnificat, Mi Chamocha.  Peck Kyrie, Kekeli



New music to be memorized by May 8 rehearsal: Beatus vir - Lassus, A Tree Toad, Zelenaj se, zelenaj - Dvorak

Learn percussion parts for Camino Caminante to accompany Pro Arte singers (listen to GRCC perform Camino Caminante here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J-uqmezzKI)

Keep in memory: Lina Avatara



New music to be memorized by May 8 rehearsal: Bach Wie will ich mich freuen, Edelweiss, Camino Caminante (listen to GRCC perform Camino Caminante here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J-uqmezzKI)

Keep in memory: Adam lay ybounden, Let It Shine

Week of March 20, 2017

For March and April rehearsals in preparation for March-June performances

Thank you to the Concert and Cantare Choirs for your beautiful singing at Old St. John's Church on March 19th. You brought together the West Point community and the Mattaponi Reservation with your soulful presentation of music from many cultures. Special kudos to our soloists Naomi, Samantha, Meaghan, Owen and Emmett!


MARCH 26 TREBLE CHOIR PERFORMANCE REPERTOIRE for Sunday 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, Westover Hills United Methodist Church, 1705 Westover Hills Blvd. Everything in bold sung from memory!

Prelude: Hello Songs, Kekeli Tso, Kekeli Me

Anthem: Amazing Grace, arr. Núñez

Offertory Anthem: I Hear America Singing - André Thomas

Benediction: Twenty-Third Psalm - An Interpretation, Frances Waterman

Hymns: No. 432 Jesu, Jesu, No. 430 O Master Let Me Walk with Thee, No. 95 Doxology


TREBLE CHOIR - Rehearsal preparation leading up to March 26 church service

Finish memorizing all words in Twenty-Third Psalm - An Interpretation! Parents, please have your chorister sing this song to you from memory. This is always a good way to be sure the singer knows it. In Amazing Grace sing the notes and rhythms written in this edition. We are singing verses 1, 2, and 4 (omitting 3 and 5.) Carry over breathing in 4-measure phrases! In Amazing Grace also practice taking deep breaths before long phrases, and mete out your breath to get to the end.

Added TREBLE CHOIR Repertoire for April, May and June performances:

Gift to Be Simple, Siyahamba, Little Betty Bland, Sing in the Sunshine, America the Beautiful

Keep in memory: A Windy Story, I Hear America Singing, No Laugh Race, Peta Kupa, Hello Songs


CONCERT CHOIR Added Repertoire for April and June performances:

Two Singing Songs: Sing after Me, Singing of Birds - Chilcott, Sing in the Sunshine, If I Had a Hammer

Keep in memory: Gavotte, I Hear America Singing, No Laugh Race, Peta Kupa, Cherokee Morning Song, Mattaponi Song of Gratitude, Vivaldi Et exultavit, Siyahamba, Kekeli, Hello Songs


CANTARE CHOIR Added Repertoire for April and June performances:

Four- part National Anthem

Praise Ye the Lord Ye Children

More Love

The Storm Is Passing Over

Keep in memory: Cherokee Morning Song, Mattaponi Song of Gratitude, Siyahamba, Preious Lord, Hello Songs, entire Pergolesi Magnificat, Mi Chamocha.  Peck Kyrie, Kekeli


CAVALIERI CHOIR Added Repertoire for April and June performances:

Beatus vir - Lassus

A Tree Toad

Grow Green - Dvorak

Keep in memory: Lina Avatara


PRO ARTE CHOIR Added Repertoire for April and June performances:

Wie will ich mich freuen


Camino Caminante

Keep in memory: Adam lay ybounden, Let It Shine

Week of February 27, 2017

Home practice for March rehearsals in preparation for March-June performances

Thank you to the Cantare Choir, instrumentalists, and all our GRCC and GHTC family who made the February 26th service at Grace & Holy Trinity such a beautiful and moving experience for so many people.


Sun. March 19, 4:00 p.m. Old St. John's Church Concert Series, 103 St. John's Church Lane, West Point, VA 23181 - Cantare and Concert Choirs 50 minutes of music - Repertoire: (Revised March 2)

Hey Hello, Bonjour, Guten Tag 1 min.                                                                        Jutta Gorschlüter

Let's Say Hello 4 min.                                                                                                      L. Maierhofer

                                         All Choirs 5 min. Martin, guitar - choir in front


All Praise to God Who Reigns Above 2 min                                                Melchior Vulpius, arr. Ludwig Lenel

Hashivenu 2:30 min                                                                                                      Israeli Folksong, arr. Doreen Rao

Et exultavit 2:30                                                                                                                        Vivaldi

                                  Concert Choir 7 min., Crystal organ - choir in organ loft

Lína Avatárá 4min                                                                       Indic Carol, arr. Gil Robbins (1931-2011)

                    Cavalieri Choir 4 min, Crystal organ, choir in front, Hope finger cymbals

Adam lay ybounden 2:30                                                                        Martha Jones Burford (b. 1964)

Let It Shine! 3 min.                                                                          Traditional Spiritual, arr. Don Besig

                                  Pro Arte Choir 6 min, Crystal organ, choir in organ loft

Cherokee Morning Song 2 min                                                                              Traditional Cherokee

Mattaponi Song of Gratitude 2 min                                                                             Sharon Sun Eagle

        All Choirs 4 min., choirs in front, Hope drum, various other percussion to choir members

America the Beautiful 2 min.                                                                              Samuel Augustus Ward

                                            Audience participate 2 min., Crystal organ


Precious Lord, Take My Hand, 3:30 text Joyce Merman          Thomas Dorsey (1899-1993) arr. Ringwald

Mi Chamocha 3:30 Naomi cantor                                                                     Allan Blank (1925-2013)

Magnificat 6 min.                                                                                                                    Pergolesi

      Et misericordia - Samantha, soprano & Meaghan, alto

      Deposuit potentes

      Suscepit Israel - Owen, tenor & Emmett, bass

O How Amiable 3:30                                                                   Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)

                                                 Cantare Choir 17 min, Crystal organ

Abide with Me 2:30                                                           Eventide, William Henry Monk (1823-1889)

                                                                                                  Descant, David Willcocks (1919-2015)

                                             Audience participate 3 min. Crystal organ

Kekeli Tso Kekeli Me 1:30 min.                                                                     T. W. Kwami (1916-1987)

Siyahamba 4 min.                                                                                      South African Freedom Song

      Zulu:                                    Siyahamb’ e-ku-kha-nye-ni kwen-kos.

      English:                                We are marching in the light of God.

      Spanish:                                  Mar-cha-re-mos en la luz de Dios.

      East Coast Algonquin:         Ki kanti ke-shaw-tewh O-kee-se-men-to.

                                                   All Choirs, 6 min., Crystal djembe

Cantare Choir - Rehearsal preparation leading up to March 19 performance

Cantare: Memorize Cherokee Morning Song, Mattaponi Song of Gratitude.

Learn parts for Siyahamba and America the Beautiful.

Review Abide with Me in parts with soprano descant, Kekeli, Precious Lord, O How Amiable, Hello Songs, Magnificat II, III, IV with soloists Samantha, Meaghan, Owen, and Emmett, Mi Chamocha with Naomi soloist

Pro Arte: Review Adam lay ybounden, Let It Shine

Cavalieri: Review Lina Avatara

Added CANTARE Repertoire for April and June performances:

Four- part National Anthem (to be distributed March 6) a cappella, Hope direct

Praise Ye the Lord Ye Children (to be distributed March 6) a cappella, Hope direct

More Love (distributed Feb. 27) a cappella, Hope direct

The Storm Is Passing Over (to be distributed March 6) Pete piano, Hope direct

Added CAVALIERI Repertoire for April and June performances:

Beatus vir - Lassus - a cappella, Pete direct

A Tree Toad - Hope piano, Pete direct

Grow Green - Dvorak (to be distributed March 6) - Hope piano, Pete direct

Added PRO ARTE Repertoire for April and June performances:

Wie will ich mich freuen (distributed Feb. 26) Pete piano, Hope direct

Edelweiss, Pete piano, Hope direct

Camino Caminante (to be distributed March 6) Pete piano, Hope direct, other percussion TBD


Concert Choir Rehearsal preparation leading up to March 19 performance

Vivaldi Et exultavit - learn in solfege ("DO" is B-flat) and with text

Cherokee Morning Song - learn in solfege ("DO" is F)

Mattaponi Song of Gratitude - learn in solfege ("DO" is C)

Siyahamba, Abide with Me, America the Beautiful

Keep in your memory "All Praise to God," "Hashivenu," "Kekeli" and Hello Songs

Added CONCERT CHOIR Repertoire for April and June performances:

Two Singing Songs: Sing after Me, Singing of Birds - Chilcott

Sing in the Sunshine (to be distributed March 6)

If I Had a Hammer (on order - to be distributed when it arrives)

Keep in memory: Gavotte, I Hear America Singing, No Laugh Race, Peta Kupa


TREBLE CHOIR PERFORMANCE: Repertoire for Sun. 3/26, 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, Westover Hills United Methodist Church, 1705 Westover Hills Blvd. Everything in bold should be sung from memory.

Prelude: Hello Songs, Kekeli Tso, Kekeli Me

Anthem: Amazing Grace, arr. Núñez/Erb

Offertory Anthem: I Hear America Singing - André Thomas

Benediction: Twenty-Third Psalm - An Interpretation, Frances Waterman

Hymns: No. 432 Jesu, Jesu, No. 430 O Master Let Me Walk with Thee, No. 95 Doxology (will distribute March 7)


Treble Choir - Rehearsal preparation leading up to March 26 church service

Practice 23rd Psalm in solfege and with words. F is "DO".

"Amazing Grace" We have made cuts to this arrangement: Sing in unison pages 4 through top of 6. At the end of measure 35 cut to measure 52 at the bottom of page 7 "When we've been there...." Stop at the bottom of page 8. 23rd Psalm and "Amazing Grace" to be learned for March performance.

Review I Hear America Singing, Hello Songs, and Kekeli. Sing from memory. Sing hymns from music.

Added TREBLE CHOIR Repertoire for April, May and June performances:

Gift to Be Simple


Little Betty Bland

Sing in the Sunshine, America the Beautiful (to be distributed March 6)

Keep in memory: A Windy Story, I Hear America Singing, No Laugh Race, Peta Kupa, Hello Songs