Week of February 10, 2025

Cantare practice notes for Feb. 23 worship service at Grace and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church:

Review all the hymns and service music, paying close attention to the following:

-Soprano descant for Hymn 390 – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

-Psalm 37 – everyone needs to get familiar with the text and practice chanting it on your own part (F is ‘Do’) 

-Sanctus, S-128, C is ‘Do’

-Fraction Anthem, S-154, D is ‘Do’, Black note heads get one pulse, open note heads get two pulses.

-Practice reading text for all the hymns and then put it with the tune. We will sing all the hymns in unison.  The tune is the top note of the treble staff.


-O Taste and See – be sure to memorize this and carefully review you part for measures 34 – end.

-Love One Another – this is a new piece.  We made great progress on it Monday night. Please review your part on solfege – D is ‘Do’.  Put with text.  Work toward memorizing.  Here is a recording:

love one another, john bell, iona - Google Search – Listen to the clear consonants! 😊

-Sisi ni moja – review and secure memory.  Carefully study the length of note values before rests.

-Baraka na wewe - review and secure memory.