Week of November 18, 2019

Concert and Treble

Please refer to last week’s instructions

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Please remember, being part of this group means you are expected to learn and review your music at home during at least 20 minute practice sessions per day. This is part of the written choir commitment. Perhaps keep a check list of what you have worked on each day and try to touch all of the music once or twice over the week. Let’s try to improve in this area!

Please pay attention to part assignments. Be sure to mark your score accordingly.

Winds of Peace – review entire piece. Practice singing in a round with a choir friend. Grace and Marquita on part 1 with Treble Choir and one or two concert choir members; Molly and Renna on part 2 with concert choir; Matilde, Lilly, Mehr, Othniel and Mikhail on part 3; Kamirra, Sadie Siara, Lauren and Chadwick on part 4.

Stars I Shall Find - Top part – Molly, Matilde, Grace, Marquita, Othniel, Renna, Mikhail;

Bottom part – Lauren, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Chadwick, Mehr, Lilly. Chadwick and Mikhail sing one octave down. Practice entire piece and begin memorizing.

Mexican Lullaby – Continue learning parts for mm. 108 – end. S1 – Molly, Marquita, Grace, Renna and Othniel; S2 – Matilde, Lilly, Mehr and Mikhail; S3 – Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Lauren and Chadwick. Grace is the soloist. Review entire piece. Memorize

African Noel - Top part – Molly, Matilde, Grace, Marquita, Othniel, Renna, Mikhail;

Bottom part – Lauren, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Chadwick, Mehr, Lilly. Practice entire piece. Pay careful attention to rhythms.

Carol of the Light – memorize. Work on diction.

We Wish You a Joyful Holiday – Review parts: Pete, Mikhail and Chadwick sing Bass. Soprano – Grace, Marquita, Renna. Mezzo - Molly, Matilde, Lilly, Othniel. Alto – Mehr, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Lauren.

Samba Mass – Review Kyrie, Sanctus and Benedictus. On the Benedictus, work out Soprano part for mm. 29-32. Review Agnus Dei through measure 44. At measures 30 – 32, divide the four part chords as follows: Grace, Marquita and Renna on part 1 (top); Molly, Matilde and Othniel on part 2; Kamirra, Lilly, Mehr and Mikhail on part 3; Sadie, Siara, Lauren and Chadwick on part 4 (bottom).

Will There Really Be a “Morning”? –Secure pitches and rhythms. Memorize. Mm.31-45 will be sung by Matilde and Lauren. Part division is: S1 – Molly, Matilde, Grace, Marquita, Othniel, Renna, Mikhail; S2 – Lauren, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Chadwick, Mehr, Lilly. Review parts on pages 6&7.

Caritas Abundat – keep working out solfege and rhythm for this entire piece. Parts 2 and 3, pay careful attention to counting of tied notes. Division for Caritas Abundat: 1 – Lauren, Siara, Sadie and Kamirra; 2– Mikhail, Grace, Marquita, Renna, and Molly; 3 – Othniel, Matilde, Chadwick, Lillian, and Mehr. On the four part chords – Grace and Marquita take the top notes; Molly, Mikhail and Renna take the second to top notes; Othniel and Matilde take the third from top; Lillian, Mehr and Chadwick take the bottom notes.

Week of November 11, 2019

Treble and Concert:

Mayan Song of Praise – review and secure memory in all languages

Come, Worship the Lord – review and secure memory entire piece. Pay close attention to the placement of consonants at the end of phrases.

Tutu Maramba – Drill Portuguese language phrase by phrase through the bottom of page 4. The last measure of page 4 through the end of page 6 is in English. Practice speaking the text in rhythm, then on pitches. Part 2 singers need to review their notes on solfege. Part 1: Emily, Star, Lydia, Caleb, Zari, Trinity, Erionna; Part 2: Maria, Keziah, Chris and Evan. Part 2 needs to accurately learn their part! Secure memory. Emily, please learn the top soprano part at the bottom of page 5. The solfege syllables in the order of the pitches are: Teh, Sol, Sol, La, Teh, Sol, Mi.

Carol of the Light – Treble choir sings mm. 4-12. Concert and Treble – review entire piece. Finish memorizing.

Winds of Peace – review the solfege for the melody. Learn English text. We will introduce the Hebrew next week.

African Noel – Review - Trebles plus Maria, Keziah, Chris and Evan on part II; Emily, Star, Catherine and Lydia on part I.

Concert only:


For the Beauty of the Earth – Have this perfectly memorized! Drill phrases that are uncertain! Be certain to memorize where to breathe and not breathe. Work on consonant placement.

Sing Joyfully to God – Have this perfectly memorized! Drill phrases that are uncertain!

Review service music copies for the Thanksgiving service.

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Please remember, being part of this group means you are expected to learn and review your music at home during at least 20 minute practice sessions per day. This is part of the written choir commitment. Perhaps keep a check list of what you have worked on each day and try to touch all of the music once or twice over the week. Let’s try to improve in this area!

Please pay attention to part assignments. Be sure to mark your score accordingly.

Winds of Peace – review entire piece. Practice singing in a round with a choir friend. Grace and Marquita on part 1 with Treble Choir and one or two concert choir members; Molly and Renna on part 2 with concert choir; Matilde, Lilly, Mehr, Othniel and Mikhail on part 3; Kamirra, Sadie Siara, Lauren and Chadwick on part 4.

Stars I Shall Find - Top part – Molly, Matilde, Grace, Marquita, Othniel, Renna, Mikhail;

Bottom part – Lauren, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Chadwick, Mehr, Lilly. Chadwick and Mikhail sing one octave down. Review your part through m. 41. Work out solfege to the end of the piece.

Mexican Lullaby – Continue learning parts for mm. 108 – end. S1 – Molly, Marquita, Grace, Renna and Othniel; S2 – Matilde, Lilly, Mehr and Mikhail; S3 – Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Lauren and Chadwick. Grace is the soloist. Review entire piece.

African Noel - Top part – Molly, Matilde, Grace, Marquita, Othniel, Renna, Mikhail;

Bottom part – Lauren, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Chadwick, Mehr, Lilly. Practice entire piece. Pay careful attention to rhythms.

Carol of the Light – memorize.

We Wish You a Joyful Holiday – Review parts: Pete, Mikhail and Chadwick sing Bass. Soprano – Grace, Marquita, Renna. Mezzo - Molly, Matilde, Lilly, Othniel. Alto – Mehr, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Lauren.

Samba Mass – Review Kyrie, Sanctus and Benedictus. On the Benedictus, work out Soprano part for mm. 29-32. Work out solfege on Agnus Dei through measure 44. At measures 30 – 32, divide the four part chords as follows: Grace, Marquita and Renna on part 1 (top); Molly, Matilde and Othniel on part 2; Kamirra, Lilly, Mehr and Mikhail on part 3; Sadie, Siara, Lauren and Chadwick on part 4 (bottom).

Will There Really Be a “Morning”? –Secure pitches and rhythms. Memorize. Mm.31-45 will be sung by Matilde and Lauren. Part division is: S1 –Molly, Matilde, Grace, Marquita, Othniel, Renna, Mikhail; S2 – Lauren, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Chadwick, Mehr, Lilly. Review parts on pages 6&7.

Caritas Abundat – keep working out solfege and rhythm for this entire piece. Parts 2 and 3, pay careful attention to counting of tied notes. Division for Caritas Abundat: 1 – Lauren, Siara, Sadie and Kamirra; 2– Mikhail, Grace, Marquita, Renna, and Molly; 3 – Othniel, Matilde, Chadwick, Lillian, and Mehr. On the four part chords – Grace and Marquita take the top notes; Molly, Mikhail and Renna take the second to top notes; Othniel and Matilde take the third from top; Lillian, Mehr and Chadwick take the bottom notes.

Week of November 4, 2019

Treble and Concert:

Mayan Song of Praise – review and secure memory in all languages

Come, Worship the Lord – review and secure memory entire piece. Pay close attention to the placement of consonants at the end of phrases.

Tutu Maramba – Drill Portuguese language phrase by phrase through the bottom of page 4. The last measure of page 4 through the end of page 6 is in English. Practice speaking the text in rhythm, then on pitches. Part 2 singers need to review their notes on solfege. Part 1: Emily, Star, Lydia, Caleb, Zari, Trinity, Erionna; Part 2: Maria, Keziah, Chris and Evan. Part 2 needs to accurately learn their part! Secure memory. Emily, please learn the top soprano part at the bottom of page 5. The solfege syllables in the order of the pitches are: Teh, Sol, Sol, La, Teh, Sol, Mi.

Carol of the Light – Treble choir sings mm. 4-12. Concert and Treble – review entire piece. Finish memorizing.

Winds of Peace – review the solfege for the melody. Learn English text. We will introduce the Hebrew next week.

Concert only:

For the Beauty of the Earth – Secure memory, drilling phrases that are uncertain. Be certain to memorize where to breathe and not breathe. Work on consonant placement.

Sing Joyfully to God – Secure memory, drilling phrases that are uncertain.

Will There Really Be a “Morning?” – Continue learning your own part and memorize.

Review service music copies for the Thanksgiving service.

Week of October 28, 2019

Treble and Concert:

Mayan Song of Praise – review and memorize in all languages

Come, Worship the Lord – review and memorize entire piece. Pay close attention to the placement of consonants at the end of phrases.

Tutu Maramba – review Portuguese language through the bottom of page 4. The last measure of page 4 through the end of page 6 is in English. Practice speaking the text in rhythm, then on pitches. Part 2 singers need to review their notes on solfege. Part 1: Emily, Star, Lydia, Caleb, Zari, Trinity, Erionna; Part 2: Maria, Keziah, Chris and Evan. Part 2 needs to accurately learn their part! Finish memorizing.

Carol of the Light – Treble choir sings mm. 4-12. Concert and Treble – review entire piece. Begin memorizing.

Concert only:

For the Beauty of the Earth – Memorize entire piece. Be certain to memorize where to breathe and not breathe. Work on consonant placement.

Sing Joyfully to God – review and memorize entire piece.

Will There Really Be a “Morning?” – Part two is unison with part 1 on page 3 and mm. 65 – end. Continue learning your own part and memorize.

Review service music copies for the Thanksgiving service.

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Please remember, being part of this group means you are expected to learn and review your music at home during at least 20 minute practice sessions per day. This is part of the written choir commitment. Perhaps keep a check list of what you have worked on each day and try to touch all of the music once or twice over the week. Let’s try to improve in this area!

Please pay attention to part assignments. Be sure to mark your score accordingly.

Samba Mass – Review Kyrie, Sanctus and Benedictus to the point of memory. C is Do for the Kyrie and Benedictus. A is Do for the Sanctus. The Benedictus needs the most work. For all movements, pay careful attention to rhythms. Write in counting, where helpful. It is always helpful to practice saying the text in rhythm. Also practice singing pitches while counting, as we have done in rehearsal. Continue working out solfege and rhythms for Agnus Dei. Part division is: S1 – Molly, Marquita, Grace, Renna and Othniel; S2 – Matilde, Lilly, Mehr and Mikhail; S3 – Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Lauren and Chadwick.

Will There Really Be a “Morning”? –Secure pitches and rhythms. Memorize. Mm.31-45 will be sung by Matilde and Lauren. Part division is: S1 – Molly, Matilde, Grace, Marquita, Othniel, Renna, Mikhail; S2 – Lauren, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Chadwick, Mehr, Lilly. Chadwick and Mikhail sing one octave down.

Caritas Abundat – keep working out solfege and rhythm for this entire piece. Parts 2 and 3, pay careful attention to counting of tied notes. Division for Caritas Abundat: 1 – Lauren, Siara, Sadie and Kamirra; 2– Mikhail, Grace, Marquita, Renna, and Molly; 3 – Othniel, Matilde, Chadwick, Lillian, and Mehr. On the four part chords – Grace and Marquita take the top notes; Molly, Mikhail and Renna take the second to top notes; Othniel and Matilde take the third from top; Lillian, Mehr and Chadwick take the bottom notes.

Review Carol of the Light, Mayan Song of Praise, Mexican Lullaby, Winds of Peace and Tutu Maramba

On November 10, we will sing Mayan Song of Praise (memorized), Will There Really be a “Morning?” (memorized), Samba Mass – Kyrie, Sanctus and Benedictus (mostly memorized), and possibly Siyahamba (memorized).

Week of October 21, 2019

Treble and Concert:

Mayan Song of Praise – review and memorize in all languages

Come, Worship the Lord – review and memorize entire piece. Pay close attention to the placement of consonants at the end of phrases.

Tutu Maramba – review Portuguese language through the bottom of page 4. The last measure of page 4 through the end of page 6 is in English. Practice speaking the text in rhythm, then on pitches. Part 2 singers need to review their notes on solfege. Part 1: Emily, Star, Lydia, Caleb, Zari, Trinity, Erionna; Part 2: Maria, Keziah, Chris and Evan. Part 2 needs to accurately learn their part! Begin memorizing

Carol of the Light – Treble choir sings mm. 4-12. Concert and Treble – review entire piece.

Concert only:

For the Beauty of the Earth – Memorize entire piece. Be certain to memorize where to breathe and not breathe. Work on consonant placement.

Sing Joyfully to God – review and memorize entire piece.

Will There Really Be a “Morning?” – Part two is unison with part 1 on page 3 and mm. 65 – end. Continue learning your own part and memorize. Recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whsNxYIBar4

Review service music copies for the Thanksgiving service.

Pro Arte/Cavalieri/Cantare

Please remember, being part of this group means you are expected to learn and review your music at home during at least 20 minute practice sessions per day. This is part of the written choir commitment. Perhaps keep a check list of what you have worked on each day and try to touch all of the music once or twice over the week. Let’s try to improve in this area!

Please pay attention to part assignments. Be sure to mark your score accordingly.

Samba Mass – Review Kyrie, Sanctus and Benedictus. C is Do for the Kyrie and Benedictus. A is Do for the Sanctus. The Benedictus needs the most work. For all movements, pay careful attention to rhythms. Write in counting, where helpful. It is always helpful to practice saying the text in rhythm. Also practice singing pitches while counting, as we have done in rehearsal. Continue working out solfege and rhythms for Agnus Dei. Part division is: S1 – Molly, Marquita, Grace, Renna and Othniel; S2 – Matilde, Lilly, Mehr and Mikhail; S3 – Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Lauren and Chadwick.

Will There Really Be a “Morning”? –Secure pitches and rhythms. Memorize. Mm.31-45 will be assigned to soloists. We will hear the following singers for the next rehearsal: Grace, Matilde, Lauren, Siara, Chadwick and Mikhail. Part division is: S1 – Molly, Matilde, Grace, Marquita, Othniel, Renna, Mikhail; S2 – Lauren, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Chadwick, Mehr, Lilly. Chadwick and Mikhail sing one octave down. Recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whsNxYIBar4

Caritas Abundat – keep working out solfege and rhythm for this entire piece. Parts 2 and 3, pay careful attention to counting of tied notes. Division for Caritas Abundat: 1 – Lauren, Siara, Sadie and Kamirra; 2– Mikhail, Grace, Marquita, Renna, and Molly; 3 – Othniel, Matilde, Chadwick, Lillian, and Mehr. On the four part chords – Grace and Marquita take the top notes; Molly, Mikhail and Renna take the second to top notes; Othniel and Matilde take the third from top; Lillian, Mehr and Chadwick take the bottom notes. Listen to a recording here: http://www.alliancemusic.com/mp3/Caritas_Abundat_Grundahl.mp3

Review Carol of the Light, Mayan Song of Praise, Mexican Lullaby, Winds of Peace and Tutu Maramba

On November 10, we will sing Mayan Song of Praise (memorized), Will There Really be a “Morning?” (memorized), Samba Mass – Kyrie, Sanctus and Benedictus (mostly memorized), and possibly Siyahamba (memorized).

Week of September 30, 2019

Treble and Concert:

Mayan Song of Praise – review and memorize in all languages

Come, Worship the Lord – review and memorize entire piece. Pay close attention to rhythm at end of phrases.

Tutu Maramba – review Portuguese language through the bottom of page 4. The last measure of page 4 through the end of page 6 is in English. Practice speaking the text in rhythm, then on pitches. Part 2 singers need to review their notes on solfege. Part 1: Emily, Star, Lydia, Caleb, Zari, Trinity, Erionna; Part 2: Maria, Keziah, Chris and Evan. Begin memorizing

Carol of the Light – Treble choir sings mm. 4-12. Concert and Treble – review through m. 29. E-flat is Do.

Concert only:

For the Beauty of the Earth – Memorize stanzas 1, 2 and 5. Review stanzas 3 and 4. Be certain to memorize where to breathe and not breathe.

Sing Joyfully to God – review and begin memorizing entire piece

Pro Arte/Cavalieri

Please pay attention to part assignments. Be sure to mark your score accordingly.

Samba Mass – Review Kyrie, Sanctus and Benedictus. C is Do for the Kyrie and Benedictus. A is Do for the Sanctus. Begin looking at Agnus Dei, mm. 9-44 – C is Do. Pay careful attention to rhythms. Write in counting, where helpful. It is always helpful to practice saying the text in rhythm. Also practice singing pitches while counting, as we did in rehearsal.

Part division is: S1 – Molly, Marquita, Grace, Renna and Othniel; S2 – Matilde, Lilly, Mehr and Mikhail; S3 – Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Lauren and Chadwick.

Will There Really Be a “Morning”? – Memorize. Review pitches - G-flat is Do. Mm.31-45 will be assigned to soloists. It you wish to audition, prepare accordingly. Part division is: S1 – Molly, Matilde, Grace, Marquita, Othniel, Renna, Mikhail; S2 – Lauren, Kamirra, Sadie, Siara, Chadwick, Mehr, Lilly. Chadwick and Mikhail sing one octave down.

Caritas Abundat – Work out/review solfege through p. 5. C is Do. Work out solfege through the end of the piece. Part division on this piece is: 1 – Lauren, Siara, Sadie and Kamirra; 2– Chadwick, Grace, Marquita, Renna, and Molly; 3 – Othniel, Matilde, Mikhail, Lillian, and Meh